[FoW] Pride of Ireland

Day 4,075, 12:21 Published in Ireland Serbia by Don Croata.

Hello Eire!

*I’m writing this article as part of our Community Article Contest: Irish Pride

The point of the whole contest is to express why are we proud to be eIrish, what makes our country the best and what can we offer to our new and current citizens. I’ve been talking about our community, spirit and passion for so many times I can’t even count them, so this time I’ll write about what we do, as individuals, as a country to make our citizens as independent and prepared for battles as possible.


There are several things we wanted to base our development on. Probably the most important one is coordinated damage delivery. We don’t have too many people, so the whole point of it was to make those we have fight in the same battle, in the same time. Groups fighting together are making much bigger effect than they’d make if everyone individually fights whenever they want. When the chosen battle is based on strategic decisions or allies priorities then our impact is even bigger.

Aimeisan was one of the first ones to make the wish come true. He started the Air Project which soon motivated people to fight in the way he wanted. It took a lot of money, effort and activity by aimeisan to make it happen, but he did it. And he kept doing it. Our Air Project is probably the best air project in the world. It rewards every Irish citizen who enlists to the project with 5 IEP/kill. Money is based on the kills showed on the leadership ranking and it’s not linked with priority battles. It means that if you fight without packs, with your health only you can make up to 20 000 IEP weekly with no problems. On top of that, his Air Project also gives extra rewards for kills being made in priority battles. Priorities are announced several times per day. When you sum up, you can make up to 30 000 IEP simply by fighting where Irish priorities are. It comes in handy that aimeisan is our new MoD.

Air Project gives our soldiers a great income they can use to improve their companies, trade on markets or simply stock up money and buy packs. It’s a great basic supply for any Irish citizen. So, first out of many things which makes me proud to be Irish is - aimeisan.

I’ve been talking a lot about ‘coordinated efforts’ which should be made by the whole Government and projects we have in here. So, the second thing which makes me proud to be Irish is Irish Army.

Once you enlisted to Air Project you can join the Irish Army - our national military unit which was reformed several months ago by Slua. As a member of Irish Army you’ll receive food for completing your DO’s, and DO’s are always on the same battle as priorities in Air Project, of course when it’s not a battle which requires moving. It means that you’ll not only receive the money from Air Project, you’ll also receive food too. It makes you fight and make money, it’s like having CO’s on all of the time, while you follow the Republic’s priorities.

This coordinated effort probably makes Ireland one of the best damage dealers when it comes to following priorities. It’s what makes us good allies, it’s what improves the community relations and makes people join Discord for coordinated strikes, which is the third thing I’m proud on. Coordinated strikes are happening twice a week. We all gather up on Discord and fight together in order to help an ally in need. We almost always pick air battle for it. It provides a great fun with a nice company of the Fighting Irish.

The Irish Army and Air Project has recently received Governmental and Congress support in terms of budgets. Each of those two received 200 000 IEP and this amount can only be increased in the future. I’m glad that the whole country has recognised the efforts our great individuals are putting in. This can be listed as 4th thing I’m proud on.

Advanced possibilities

After getting all you need to fight for the Republic and its allies you can join various other projects as Irish citizens. Some of those projects are currently paused for several reasons, but they’re to be re-launched until the end of this month.

Irish Lottery has been started almost the same time as Air Project. It was aimeisan’s idea and it’s being ran by our Minister of Community Meds. Irish Lottery is kinda different than the other ones as there are always winners, prizes are absolutely great and we have many people winning them. So far, in only couple of months more than HALF MILLION has been given away to the Irish citizens. I have to say I’m lucky enough to win the prize almost every time. Weekly prize is usually 1250 IEP, but last time we’ve been given 2500 IEP. It’s a great project, based on luck and what’s interesting is that each time some of our citizens are asked to pick a number which then decides who’s winning it. If it gives you prize every second month you’ll be making a good bunch of money. Lottery is the fifth thing which makes me pride to be eIrish!

Once you make money from Lottery you can invest all you’ve earned into Bank of Ireland. It’s a project I’ve launched and ran for two rounds until the markets stopped being too profitable. Since this is changing we’ll restart the Bank soon. Bank is kind of a safe gamble, we all gather up money on a volounteer base and then I’m investing both public and invested private money in weapons, currency or gold by using all the options game mechanics offered to us as a country.

In the first round we’ve made a significant profit, while the second round was a bit less profitable, but still in (+). We gather up, make money together and share the profits together, based on how much one has invested in the Bank. It’s a good way to make money for both - individuals and country itself. So, the sixth thing I’m proud of is the trust given to me by people of Ireland.

People of Ireland

Last, but not the least thing which makes me proud is what we’ve accomplished in here all together. All of those projects above wouldn’t be successful if there’s no such a quality community. Step by step we’ve built a community which cares and loves this country. We’ve built a stable and safe environment for all the citizens of the Republic. We’re balancing between the smart and crazy moves in order to make everyone happy. You can’t just farm, but you can’t just go around and punch people. As a country, as member of Government, we’ve always been trying to find a balance between those two and I believe we’ve managed to do so.

Our community would rather choose to be wiped than on its knees, but then again we won’t just jump into every war and every battle we’re asked to. Our allies knows they can count on us, all of them respect us, even our enemies do too. We’re just lucky to gather many extraordinary individuals who made this group work together, in the same direction, to accomplish the same goals everyone are aware of. Our communication is on high level, any citizen which requires answers will get them soon, any citizen willing to take part in decision making process can do it.

Almost every congress candidate gets in the Congress and we’re actually having various debates in our Parliament. On top of that, we’ve made party politics almost completely irrelevant, we don’t divide ourselves through petty party politics. We don’t care about those stuff. In here, parties are made to serve the people, to improve the community, to create more connected groups and finally - to accomplish all of the goals as part of coordinated effort. Damn, I’m proud on you Ireland!

eIreland’s Discord Server
