[無名報]伍拾刊:Fight Deployment

Day 4,357, 05:13 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by OMR.Ding


前言:以下皆為https://erepublik.com/en/main/latest-updates/0/319 的翻譯

Dear Citizens,

We’re updating the fight system on the web version to match the Deployment mechanic on the mobile version.

Fight Deployment

The deploy allows Citizens to choose the amount of resources (weapons and energy) they want to spend on the battlefield and just enjoy the fight without the tedious clicking.

For a limited time, the deploy feature will run in parallel with the classic fight system, so we can iron out any bugs and usability issues that might occur. You can switch between “Classic Fight” and “Deploy Mode” while on the battlefield page.

Fight Deployment


在有限的時間內(?),調度模式(Deploy Mode)與經典戰鬥(Classic Fight)同時運行,因此我們可以即時去除可能的錯誤。在戰場頁面上,您可以在"Classic Fight” 和 “Deploy Mode”之間切換。

In the deployment preparation phase you need to select your weapons (1) and the energy to fight with (either by using the slider (2), typing in the energy amount or using the shortcuts Food & Max ).

Starting a Deployment (3) will commit the selected resources (Food, Weapons, Energy Bars etc) and they will no longer appear in your inventory.

在調度準備階段,您需要選擇武器 (1) 和用於戰鬥的能量 (2)(通過使用滑塊、輸入能量值或使用快捷鍵Food&Max )。

點選 開始調度 後 (3)將支付選定的資源(食物、武器、能量棒等等),它們將不再出現你的庫存中。

During the deployment, your resources will be gradually consumed to deal damage over time. As the deploy is in progress, your Citizen will fight either until the deploy is finished or the Citizen cancels the deploy (even if the Citizen leaves the battle page or closes the browser). In case the deployment has been cancelled earlier (either by the Citizen or because of an external factor, like a battle ending), any unused resources will be returned back to the storage.


You can only deploy in one battle at a given time.
While you are Deployed you can activate boosters but you cannot travel, eat, fight or use any bombs.


The duration of a Deployment depends on the total amount of energy committed.
Any energy gained from level-ups will automatically be added and consumed (before other energy items committed, such as energy bars) in the Deployment.
At the end of the Deployment, you will receive a Deployment Report and all unspent resources will be added back in your inventory.



Puzzle Captcha & Wall Influence of new accounts

As part of our efforts to ensure a fair gaming environment for all Citizens, we will also be testing a new anti-script protection together with the deploy.

New accounts will gradually be able to convert their damage into influence, as they gain military ranks (progress is available on the respective wiki pages: wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Aircraft_rank and wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Military_rank).

Puzzle Captcha & Wall Influence of new accounts


wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Military_rank )

As usual, we'd love to hear your feedback on Discord or on the eRepublik Forum.

有任何回饋請洽官方Discord 或是 eRepublik Forum
