[FEDS] Move, Melissa. Hello, Mr. Party President.

Day 5,409, 12:36 Published in USA USA by Jenoah Drako

Fellow Federalists,

Today is a special day for us all. Today we’ve learned who will be leading us into the future. Who will better our standing within our nation. Who will leave a mark on all of us, good, bad or ugly.

Let Us Voice Our Initial Expectations,

Any election is an exciting time for us. New faces and old get to hold a position of responsibility that could potentially turn our lives into a whirlwind of chaos. Between our personal lives and our in-game responsibilities, we should have our own say in how to balance the two without compromising the quality of one or the other.

For the next party president, I have composed some opinions of what could be better, what should be maintained, and what the party needs to be rid of.

Paul Proteus, our recently re-elected ePOTUS and long time Proud and Horny Federalist voices his own opinion,

“I would like to see the party do more in terms of media, recruitment, and engagement… we just all need to be more active and alive, and show everyone what we all know: that the Feds are the best community and most reliable party in the eUS”

Media. Say Less, Paul.

In an interview with Jimmy Cincinatti, he just says he wants Congressional Primaries and some games that would get people more involved on the Federalist Forum.

Kody5, and Old Head in our nation relays some of the same aspects that Mr. President, Paul Proteus does in his interview stating,

“I’d like to see more recruitment and retention stuff. More media and such like that… Just more activity overall would be good… But we've always been a new player focused party so that’s up to you to help us with.”

Media. Got it, Kody.

Lastly another horny bastard, Andy Dufrense, makes the threesome,

“Maintaining a strong media presence, keeping our message out there and how we would like Congress to function. Keeping a good record of avoiding rogue proposals and granting CS w/o IES approval.”

We get it guys, I got it.

Obviously maintaining our media presence, recruiting members, but also keeping these new recruits intrigued, involved and even entertained with our system has become a struggle for us. Changing that would, most likely, shoot our ranking back into the Number 1 slot like it had been for a number of years.

Voicing my own opinion, I believe the best way to hit those three pillars (Intrigued, Involved and Entertained) would be to teach and assign the new recruits to the forum games, discord games to further recruitment and to further media presence. Not that I don’t want the job. It’s a great job.

A Joyous Welcome!

To our newly elected Party President,


The twice Federalist Party former Party President and current Political Director, who knows all of the in’s and out’s of what our party has to offer, what it needs to improve upon and how to do so. He has been incredibly great to me, personally, allowing me to take on some responsibilities at the start of my career here with the Federalists, and I’m sure he will do the same with incoming recruits. Yes, I said incoming, because that’s his plan, that’s the main goal, stating,

“My main goal in this term as the Federalist Party President is to increase the current amount of membership to make the Federalist Party the Number One party in the eUS. Recruiting needs to be our number one effort, not only this term, but more terms to come and I hope to start that effort out of the gate with a bang.”

What a man. Making my manties all soppy, it’s almost unsustainable to be this wet. You know what else is unsustainable? Party Population. He foreshadows the Party’s future,

“Recruiting in the party has ramped down to an unsustainable level and we need to get that up again to compete with the other eUS parties seeking the number one spot. The Federalist Party needs to reclaim the spot it held for months, if not years.”

We need more people to vote Federalist Leaders in all of our National Elections, more people, means more Congress members and that Paul Proteus gets to rip his hair out for another term. Congressional representation is something he will be maintaining, if not, improving upon.
“I will be counting on the incoming and past leadership to assist in my efforts and lead the charge in my efforts. This is not a one or two person show, it needs to be a party collective effort.”

Centomax is all about the old military quote, “One Team, One Fight.” In order for the rankings, the recruitment and the representation, everyone has to do their share of work. It’s not enjoyable for the Old Heads to be maintaining two or three party tasks on top of their National responsibilities while the newer folk have their thumbs where they get a prostate check.

But Alas, he makes my another, much higher, set of balls all soppy as well, saying “See You Around” to Melissa Rose,

“Melissa Rose is a fantastic person and Federalist. She has done so much for this party throughout the years that I have known her and she will continue to do such things in the background. She is very loyal to her party and peers and I do not see that changing.”

What a Sport.

He was also asked about potential Presidential Candidates and he will not be speculating on the behalf of our Party Members, But, it’s me. Check your six, Paul.

Congratulations, Centomax, Federalist Party, Party President, everyone.

As Always, Stay Proud, Stay Horny.

Jenoah Drako