[DAF] Maverik Survey

Day 5,332, 07:09 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

o7, Soldiers of DAF and citizens of the Netherlands

The Dutch Armed Forces are the first line of defence when the eNetherlands is under attack. We are the shield and sword of our nation. I'm deligted to see the exponential rank increase of our soldiers in the past year. As you all know the government has immensely stimulated your growth. As Commander of the Armed Forces I too consider it my job to inform the government on how we should start the weeks with epics. We have strong players in all divisions as well as an airforce that require protector ranknups to become even stronger then they are now.

In the past event we were all anle to collect Maverik Boosters from the weekly challenge. Most of the players who participate in the weekly epics were able to collect these buy some did not.

These boosters are important because they allow you to switch divisions. As most of you know the cost (damage) to create epics varries per division. D4 reuire +/- 100bn damage while D1 only requires 12bn damage. This is very significant.

I would like to know who still has maverik boosters to use during a Tuesday epic and also very important who dos not.

When we know for instance that too many D4 players do not have boosters anymore we will need to take the costs of a Tuesday epic for granted and do the 100bn damage required yo help these players as well.

Please comment below!


Commander of the Dutch Armed Forces