[B&W Switzer]Interview with Rican Candidate for CP eSwitzerland from Advance

Day 2,326, 23:07 Published in Switzerland Chile by Black Whiter

First of all, Hallo everybody and respect to our Presidents, president of China and their teams and to my party president and other party members

Good day to everyone, today is special edition for my newspaper
This is my 16th article, usualy i will write 1 article per 2 days now i will publish my interview with Rican Candidate President from Advance..

And dont forget to vote him on next elections on 5 April 00:00 eRepublik Time..

1) First of all, can you introduce yourself in eRepublik and Real life?
I am “the” Rican. 😛
I have been in eSwitzerland for 4 ½ years. I have been in every government position that there is, including my ongoing position of “Official Swiss Watchdog”. I have helped to carry our country through many crises and challenges. I have a great number of good friends and very few enemies (who will undoubtedly be trolling in the comments below).
In RL I am a scientist and I put in a lot of very happy hours doing that.

2) What does eSwitzerland mean for you?
That is a simple question for me to answer. It means the good friends I have made during my time here.

3) Why do you want to be the President of the eSwitzerland again?
Who says I want to?
There are new challenges that need to be met forcefully and with determination. I intend to see my friends through these perilous times.

4) What do you think of the current situation in eSwitzerland?
There is a great deal that is good in eSwitzerland. We have more active players and we have new players. Our older citizens have remained and are still fiercely loyal. There are new alliance opportunities that need to be discussed and decided upon.
On the other hand, we still don’t own our four regions. The reasons for this are too complicated to go into at this time. The main reason is that we are under threat of a PTO (political take-over or coup d’etat). There is always the threat of our small country being overtaken by a greedy imperialist country, although I must point out at this time that Chile (who currently holds three of our regions) is our friend and ally. We have a temporary agreement with them to be here.

5) Are there any key problem(s) that eSwitzerland is struggling with?
I think I answered that above.

6) How do you want to solve these key problem(s)?
First and foremost, I intend to solve these problems with complete transparency. I want to experiment with the original ancient Greek concept of democracy especially since we don’t currently have a congress, I want to open all major decisions to a country wide vote or what might be called a referendum. I’d like the entire country to participate actively in the governing process. I’m hoping that every citizen will use their vote as a voice and that we can guide the future of this country together.

7) Have you got anything left to say to the citizens of the eSwitzerland?
Yeah…… vote for me on 5 April. This is an important election.

😎 Why should we vote for you? What do you think about World War 7 now?Asteria-Leto-Asgard vs Sirius-Aurora-ProSirius?? Where Switzerland need to take a post?
I think people should vote for me because I always have worked hard for my country and because I am here for the long haul. Almost everyone knows me and that I can be trusted.
It is premature to declare an alliance, although I can tell you it won’t be Asteria. 😛

9) What do you want to achieve if you become president of Switzerland?
So many things. I will name only a few.
• I want to reward loyal citizens in some fashion.
• I want to align with the right countries to insure our future sovereignty.
• I want to permanently keep us out of the hands of the evil imperialists.
• I want to strengthen our armies and our defenses.
• I want to increase our treasury and use that money for improving our eLife.
• I want to get our newest citizens involved in government. It is time for a new but loyal regime.

10) Are you happy with what you accomplished last 3rd term? But if you'd be given the opportunity what would you have done differently?
Listen….. there are always things that one could have done differently or better. But as a whole I truly believe that I did a pretty damn good job…….. just like I will again this time.

Joined :: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/advance-3601/1

[Advance] Bottle Advance Project for new player and a baby..

And so, my fellow frien😛 ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

Finally, whether you are citizens of Switzerland or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

Do you want to make your country better??


Black Whiter