What you can do with 2 Cattle?

Day 4,724, 12:10 Published in Austria Austria by Yhamilitz the Night Watch

Si señor, yo soy de rancho

Hallo alle zusammen!!!

Hello my dear readers:

As you probably know, some people are upset because we have 2 beautiful cattle here:

You may ask, why do we need 2 cattles. Ok, I will tell you:

This is the first reason:

As you might know, I am from Mexico, but not whatever part of Mexico, in my region, we like to grill a lot. Also capoqwer know what I mean, because he may have experiences with Asados.

Still. As eAustrian people, we also want something as well:

How is possible to be in eAustria if we are not having our own Chocolates?

So our claims to have more of the same resource is valid.

The people who claim to us must be thankfull we are not going for more cattles, because well...

I present you, the longhorn

I live in Texas. And I am used to see cattle everywhere. It's part of our DNA, if you live in Northern Mexico or in Texas, you are used to see Cattle everywhere. It's a regional symbol.


Our Cattle in Voralberg and Tirol seems to be very happy. They love our mountains and clean air.

So people, please, don't be so mad for that. 😘
If you get mad, we can try to go for more cattle. 😉

Also, let Canada to have 2 Rubbers. TemujinBC need that Rubber so seriously.

That's all for now people. Without anything else to add, until the next time.