The underrated benefits of being a eRepublik player

Day 4,831, 10:13 Published in Germany Austria by RodderickJames

A lot can be said against playing eRepublik - and it actually is. Oftentimes. In shouts, Discord channels, even game-related twitch streams people share their distaste. But is it really that bad?

Some might point to the fact that Plato and the gang stopped caring about the game, solely focussing on milking it's users for hardware. I might be wrong, but I feel like the greek freak has developed a little bit of a bad reputation amongst his peers here. For one example, just look at the german discord channel:

(engl: The destroyer of worlds)

Many loyal players, still clinging to a shrinking community, reminisce a time long lost, where eRepublik was more than a one-dimensional skill-up fighting game. But, hey! You gotta look on the bright side and be thankful for what you have, no? No??
No, of course not.

But you can. Because it could be worse, really, if you think about it. It is said there was a time where online multiplayer games didn't even exist, neither did online (as a thing). Just look at photographs from a century ago: people didn't even have colours back then! Talk about sad times. Wear your grey pants today, Steve? Sure, I think they fit my grey shirt really well, Dorothy.

So let's be thankful today and positive, and take a moment to remind ourselves of the eight biggest benefits of playing eRepublik:

8 )
You improve your media skills. Wether it's chatting on discord or telegram, watching streams or producing them, you do it all for the higher goal of raising your media competence. Sounds like well invested time to me. And who knows, maybe you even learn about scripts along the way.

Stealing medals will give you the opportunity to train your social skills. Learn to cope with hate speech. Then learn to dish it out yourself. Everyone knows you can't judge someone unless you've been in his shoes for a while.

You learn that there will always be another rank to work towards, another benchmark of damage or medals to chase, another event that gives you reason to buy a pack, another vehicle skin that let's you hope it can only get better the next time. You learn that, no matter what happens, life always goes on.
Life in eRepublik that is. Not that you had a real one.

5) By playing eRepublik you're getting more handsome every day. Yeah you do. And even if you don't... who's gonna notice?

You save a lot of money. Sure, packs cost. But have you ever thought about the expenses of a real life? Keep your hands off that if you can, they really charge you for everything out there.

You save a lot of money. Because while you're busy solving the latest captcha you don't play online poker, tilting after every bad beat and moving up the blinds to fuck up your bankroll, until you're broke again. Come on, I know you know what I'm talking about.

The chances of being killed in a horrible car accident are vastly reduced if you stay at home in front of your screen all day long without moving anything more than your finger.

There will be way less heartbreak from relationship endings. Because playing eRepublik excessively will keep you from finding a partner in the first place. Or having any meaningful relationships. So, best to just forget about these real life people alltogether. What medals did they award you lately in the first place?!

Not sure I got the order correct... If you came to think of another benefit I was missing in this list, don't hesitate to share it in the comments. 🙂

Happy Valentine's event everybody!