The Federalist Press [day 2220]

Day 2,220, 16:58 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac

Greetings to all Feds and friends, it is I, Trekker Tlumac. Once again I am bringing you the news of the week, on the party, country and world levels. I have been sick all weekend so I am a bit slow on getting this weeks’ worth of jargon out there. Enjoy the following information, it is deemed fit for consumption.

State of the Fed

Well Party President Elections have just wrapped up. Evil_Elvis and Greene12 squared off as candidates. And what a battle it was. For anyone that missed the hijinks that went on between the two candidates, it was something worth seeing. A lot of it took place on the forums and even spilled over to in-game newspapers. Both campaigns took a less than serious approach to defacing the others credibility, all in good fun. A lot of slander went around. Including stark insinuations that Evil_Elvis and Greene12 were guilty of terrible acts of debauchery. (eating babies and kicking puppies, respectively) There was even photographic proof offered through articles “leaked” to the public. (links to said leaks provided below)


In the end Evil_Elvis walked away with the victory. But the days leading up to that victory were something of interest in the monotony eRepublik often offers.

In light of the victory I asked Evil_Elvis a few questions, which he was more than gracious enough to answer.

Responses from Evil_Elvis:

(Congrats on the second term. Moving forward for your next term as PP, what would you like to achieve in the coming month?)
I basically just want to keep the Feds going along the same path that we've been on. We're pretty awesome, there's not much I want to change. More than anything, I want to identify, help and encourage future PP's, who can then take over for me. It's a great job, but I don't want to do it forever.”

(Is there any particular program that you would like to push forward?)
“Short answer: All of them.
Slightly longer answer: Recruitment and Fun should be working hand in hand. It doesn't matter if we recruit every new player that joins the game...if we don't get them active and engaged in meta right away, it was all pointless. If the in-game mechanics are all they know, we all know that isn't going to hold much interest for long. So getting new players to join the Federalist Party is not the same as making them into Feds. I want to see every new friend contacted and made to feel welcome and encouraged to join the meta game, basically have their hands held if that's what it takes. Or through bribery, whatevs”

(Greene12 and you had a very public and gruesomely entertaining smear campaigns against each other. Was it as much fun to be a part of as it was to watch it?)

“More, I'm sure. It was probably the most fun I've had in this game. He likes to say that I once said I hated him (I did not), but I hope he knows that couldn't be further from the truth....I just hate his deplorable pastimes”

(How does it feel to have won a political battle wrought with such playful hijinks?)

“I feel vindicated. Losing to a puppy-kicking grandpa stomper would have hurt pretty bad. Especially one that never even signed up as an in-game candidate.”

(Is there anything you would like to tell the populace at this time?)

“If you're not a Fed already, you should be.
Get on the Fed forums:
Get on IRC: (or #fedpartychat on Rizon)
Get involved, get active, get noticed. That's literally all it takes to move ahead in this party. I'm talking to you, that new guy that just started playing today: You can be the President of this party sooner than you think, if you put in the effort. I started playing this game again in April, it hasn't taken long at all to get to PP.”

For those of you that are new to the Feds or even just Fed-curious, come find out more about us, the Fed forums constantly have games, discussions and other things going on. Come join us and post about your thoughts on the party, your thoughts on music or even just counting number by pictures. We have it all on the forums and much more. It is a great place to get know about your party members better. You can also join us on the IRC party chat, which is another great way to get to know your fellow feds.

On Rizon at #fedpartychat, or

It is highly encouraged to post. There is, in fact, a post war going on. Accumulate up the forum posts over the course of the week and month, if you break top three posters for either length of time, you get GOLD! Read more about it below:

Not sure what to post about? Not incredibly up on the politics? Well we have just the place for you to start. Start posting in the Fun Zone and work your way in the other discussions.

State of SHIELD

SHIELD wants you! Come join the ranks of SHIELD, the official Fed MU. But just because it is the Fed MU does not mean that non-Feds are not welcome. Everyone is welcome to join SHIELD. If you are looking for a friendly MU with good supply line, consider SHIELD.

Here is a recent article by crashthompson outlining current SHIELD events:

State of the Country

The eUSA is currently in the beginning of rental agreements with both eIreland and eMexico. As of time of printing, eIreland has invaded and been repelled from Maine and eUSA has invaded and successfully captured Cork (via the rental agreement).  

eMexico has voted on declaring war on the eUSA. The motion failed with a 13 for and 23 against vote.

eIreland has voted eUSA as Natural Enemy. This is for purposes of the training war and rental agreement. eUSA will not be returning the Natural Enemy.
This article by eUSA CP NewAzazel detailing the eIreland affair fairly well:

A continued effort to improve eUSA standing in the international community has led to the the following MPPs being signed in the past week: eIndonesia, eRepublic of Macedonia, eBrazil, eAlbania and eCroatia.

State of the World
Last week the snowmen feature was added for the holidays. The way it seems to work is that every so many kills/damage a snowman will pop up as an enemy. When the snowman is defeated (they are no harder to beat than standard opponents) there will be a reward to retrieve from the main screen. It will pop up as another reward to retrieve on the prestige bar at the top of the home page. Each reward is a candy-like winter treat that will restore 50 health points. Essentially it works like half an Energy Bar. Even casual 2-clickers will get a number of these in the course of a week. Free energy is nothing to complain about. The top three people that defeated the most snowmen for each country (as well as top three in the world) last week got a “secret prize”. The prize seems to be shiny new badge, designated “Ice Cold Killer”, and an allotment of winter treats. Sources have suggested (but not confirmed) this allotment of treats is equal to roughly half of total snowmen defeated.

Here are included are a few recent articles that may provide insight and help to players:

An article detailing the new movement on the eUS forums that provide a way for the general public to propose ideas they want the eUS congress to discuss.

An article detailing companies and working them

A brief article detailing work tax

Well that is all for this week. Thank you for reading. Until next time, I am Trekker Tlumac. (Odd expression really, “until next time”. Is that to suggest that after next time the speaker will no longer be who they are? Odd thought, will have to look into it further.)
In any event...
Stay Proud! Stay Horny!

I leave you with a moment of thought….

FPR is UP!
Vote and Shout!