The Fall of Canterbury

Day 5,083, 16:11 Published in New Zealand Japan by Leseyk Hydros

In a stunning move, the New Zealand hub of Canterbury has fallen to the clutches of Croatia.

This lovely zone is the home of several proud New Zealanders, and its loss is deeply felt.

The capital of our dear nation, Otago, is next on the Croatian chopping block.

Where is our president, Vatrogasac Draza?
Where is our leading party - the Socialist Party of New Zealand - taking us?
Why have they allowed this loss to happen?
How has their leadership brought us to this?

Our Minister of Defense, a very important position in a time like this, is no other than Vatrogasac Draza, our same President. Is this man’s presidency really what’s best for New Zealand? Does the Socialist Party actually look out for our homeland, or are their interests elsewhere? Take a look at the results and find out for yourselves!

Each of us must write to our ruling body, congress, president, and each cabinet member since they clearly aren’t making their intentions known.