Sweden has been Robbed!

Day 335, 14:04 Published in Sweden Sweden by Misho
Sweden the famous land in the northern part of Europe you know with the deserts and the volcanos and of course the great savannahs with Lions and Elephants has been robbed!

Erepublik Sweden is nothing like Erepublik Sweden, IRL 78% of Sweden is covered with Forrests and Woodland according to Wikipedia. And Sweden is a world top-10 Producer in Iron Ore Mining.

In Erepublik the great forrests are to be found in France and the Iron Ore in Spain and Greece. Fact Spain and Greece can add their Iron Ore production the last decade and they still can't come up with the amount of Iron Ore that is Minied in Sweden on one normal month. Fact 78% of Sweden is covered with Forrest and Woodland. Fact Sweden is much bigger than Germany. Fact Sweden has wood, lots of it.

So what do we have in Erepublik Sweden then? If we don't have Wood and Iron, what do we have? Deserts, Savannahs, Volcanic mountains? Then were is our Ivory and Diamond Mines? Perhaps we can have some oil even here next to our pyramides?

This is the map of Word Iron Ore Production.

You can find it on this link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_iron_production

Red Color Indicates Iron Ore Production

This is the Erepublik Raw Material map.


Om that Map Sweden at least hade 2's in Wood when it first was presented here in Erepublik V1. We had 2's in Wood on the Google Spredsheet document that was official from the Admin on Beta - we had it for the last week of beta. We also had 2's in Wood in the Erepublik Wikipedia.

So where did our Wood go, why have you taken our Raw Materials?

Admin please don't explain, just fix it.

Enough with the Raw Material Mess up.

Giving us jost 1's is pointless, then you can just as well remove them to and officially declare Sweden as a desert. 1's are useless.

Admin, you have removed our Raw Materials, we had them for weeks on official list on Beta. We had them in the Wikipedia, we had them on Sandtux map, we had them in the opening of V1 and then you took them away with out explanation.

We have been robbed.