Serbian Calendar old 7531 year

Day 5,234, 10:54 Published in Serbia Serbia by Konic93

On April 4, Serbs celebrate the year 7531.

A few years ago, NASA announced that the ancient Serbian calendar is the most accurate, that it is completely harmonized with nature, that the beginning of the seasons according to that calendar coincides with the electromagnetic changes of the Sun, but except for a few prominent scientific names, no one in Serbia pays attention.

The Serbian national calendar was the official calendar of the medieval Serbian states from 1119, when Saint Sava introduced it into the church codex, until the middle of the 19th century. Charters, laws, decisions, obligations were written according to him. Many monuments and monasteries are dated according to the Serbian calendar. According to this calendar, the Battle of Kosovo took place in 6897, and the Code of Tsar Dusan was passed in 6857.

Smederevo Fortress preserves one of the rare pieces of evidence about the old Serbian calendar. The tower and the Small Town, the court of the despot Djurdj, as it is written there, were built in the summer of 6938.

The oldest recorded and preserved calendars begin to count the time from the creation of the world, which is believed to have been in 5508 BC. In our area, the beginning of agricultural, Starčevo culture corresponds to that time. It is usually said that we took over the year of creation of the world from Byzantium, but the tickle of man doubts and doubts when he remembers that Byzantine emperors were born in this area and could take over this year from the Balkan natives - explained Dunja Matic Stanisic, author of Serbian Calendar in the book Sun - the elder of the Slavic people .

Even if it wasnt that year, the inion is interesting, starting with how it was made. It is not, as one might think, built later, by adding stones in a different color, when everything is finished. The builders worked on it as the tower grew, it is an integral part of the wall - they explain in the Fortress.