Russian aftermatch: Age of the Pirates

Day 414, 06:10 Published in Sweden Sweden by Misho
Yesterday the Russian empire was annihilated, all the former Russian regions where conquered by Romania. Not by military force but by a political takeover by romanians in Russia.

Actions like this is nothing new, in eRepublik the Moving Ticket has always been mightier than the Sword.

Romanians have done this before, one time with success in Irland and one failed attempt in Hungary. Pakistan has done it, Indonesia has done it, Italy has done it and Iran are doing it right now. Not to mention the so called Goon rushes in mid Beta where several countries where taken over with the goal to wreck havoc in the economic system.

Sweden has never tried to do it, rather have we been in a situation where we have been afraid of having it used against us. That situation might have changed a bit since honestly todays Sweden lacks important regions and has it's power very hevily leaned towards it's playerbase rather than geopolitical situation. A hostile political takeover in Sweden wouldn't be as catastrophic today as it would have been a couple of months ago.

Tons of articles have been written on the subject, lots of suggestions have been made. But nothing has been done to prevent it, it's more the other way around since Admin now have decided to remove the old rule that you at least had to stay in the country for 10 days to be able to vote there.

I was surely not first in the game suggesting the implementation of Citizenship when I wrote the article 'Implement Citizenship' 2 months ago.

The fact that the game developers don't even mention this issue in their long list of priorities for the first half of 2009 is nothing but another evidence that the players and the game developers truly lives in separeate worlds, playing a whole different game.

Now admin have even removed the 10 day rule so you can move 300 guys to any designated country on electionday and take it over from inside. Much easier, not to mention cheaper, than spending thousands of golds, weapons and gifts trying to conquering the regions purely on military strenght.

I must admit that I can't help smiling when I notice that a new political party has appered (or reappered by the Pirate Bay) in Sweden, the Pirates Party. The timing is almost to good.
IRL the Pirates Party is all about freedom of (sharing)information and have the rights not to be controlled, but in eRepublik a Pirates Party could be something whole different.
Just imagine the power of a party with 300 members who travels from one country to another wihin a days notice and take the political power there. Chaos, havoc, pirate actions all the way.

The swedish pirate party has probably a whole different agenda, so if nothings else then for the lulz of it we could build our own Viking longship..

Only the guys with access the magic compass would know where the ship would sail next election day..

The game mechanics sends a clear message: Size does matter. Population wise big countries are much easier to defend against a hostile politacal take over, so the simple reason for likeminded allies would be to merge with each other under one banner.

Why have nationstates if it only give you cons? With a strategic merge you can have access to High in all raw material resourses within your new national borders and stand much stronger against a hostile political take over than you would do if you managed to conquering the raw material resourses military wise only.

If the opening of V1 was the Age of Tanks, with tons of players spending ridiculus amounts of gold ranking up, the following period might just well be the second age of takeovers, Age of the Pirates.

Which country will be next, where are the pirates sailing..?
