Loan contract

Day 675, 02:03 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Bulgarian National Bank

измислих стандартен договор за заем, ако имате коментари за грешки поправки, пишете отдоле 🙂

This contract is concluded between VESIO1991 as owner of organization HP Org called DEBTOR and Ivan Minkov as Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank called CREDITOR.
Administrators of eRepublik serve as guarantees for execution of penalties against any of the sides on that contract.
1. CREDITOR undertakes to transfer 20 gold loan to the DEBTOR by not later than 24 hours after DEBTOR and CREDITOR have signed the contract.
2. DEBTOR is obliged to pay in 30 days from the date of signing the principal (20 gold) and interest of 10 (ten) percent (2 gold).
3. The maximum period for repayment of the loan is 30 DAYS from the date of signing the contract.
4. HP Org serves as guarantee for the accomplishment the contract by the DEBTOR.
5. Termination of contract. The contract is terminated in the following cases:
6.1 DEBTOR pays all of his debts: principal, interest and (eventually) penalty
6.2 CREDITOR does NOT transfer the specified amount to DEBTOR in the given 24 hour period.
7. Contract extension and contract cancellation
7.1 Contract can be extended on same terms from the DEBTOR up to 2(two) times as he pays the interest for the current term and then he adds "I want to extend the contract" to this topic, the CREDITOR is consent to agree with the extension, but a notify by DEBTOR is needed(sending private message to Bulgarian National Bank)
7.2 Contract can be ended by DEBTOR at any time as he pays the owed interest for the term of the contract(2 gold) and he pays back the principal(20 gold) and he adds "I want to close the contract" in this topic.
8. Penalties
8.1. If DEBTOR does not transfer 20 gold plus 2 gold interest withing 30 days, he owes additional 5 gold to cover trial costs.
8.2. If contract is edited by DEBTOR after both parties involved have signed it, the offender will recieve 7 days temp ban from Administration and a trial can be started by the CREDITOR, if contract is edited by CREDITOR after both parties involved have signed it, the offender will receive 7 days temp ban from Administration and DEBTOR will receive 30 days extension of this contract with no interest owed.
8.3. If CREDITOR claims that the contract is invalid on terms that it breaches Erepublik rules after he had signed the contract, he will receive permanent ban from Administration on grounds for intentionally breaching Erepublik rule #4(Properties obtained by a citizen through an illegal or unjust method).
9. What Administration of Erepublik should do when a trial is started by CREDITOR:
9.1 In case DEBTOR do not pay principal and interest to it in the given period(30 days), CREDITOR receive access(password) for his organization HP Org to seize properties(items or companies owned), currencies and gold up to 27 gold, if value of properties is bigger than 27 gold, DEBTOR will get the excess(if not banned permanently) after his property is sold on a 3(three) days auction with starting price 40% of standard value.
9.2 In case DEBTOR is banned, removed or dies CREDITOR receives all of its properties valued up to 27 gold.
9.3 In case DEBTOR and his organization HP Org has no properties to cover his debt because the result of executing point 9.1 and 9.2 produces less than 27 gold, his organization is valued to 5 gold and access(password) will be granted to Bulgarian National Bank and the rest of the debt - 22 gold will be impounded and given back to Bulgarian National Bank from Administration of Erepublik as they track citizens or organizations that have received gold or properties from HP Org and/or VESIO1991 through a donation or other methods that can be classified as "for free" or for less than 50% of real value*
furthermore those receivers will face Erepublik trial on point 4 of Erepublik rules Properties obtained by a citizen through an illegal or unjust method will be impounded. Such types of actions may result in a permanent ban. Additionally, if these properties are sold or transferred before being impounded, entities involved in these transactions can receive a permanent ban.
10. CREDITOR is obliged to notify ADMINS if any actions has to be taken.

* definition of real value - prices for items in Erepublik can be found here
prices for companies can be found here

real value is the average price in at least 5 finished deals minus highest and lowest that had took place for the past 1 month