Does it matter if eat when logged off

Day 4,931, 09:51 Published in USA USA by Super Nova

Does it matter if Plato auto eats while you are logged off?

Yes & No.

Why No
You will end up with the same energy whether auto eat happens while logged off or as soon as you log on.

Why Yes.
It could impact which Q of food is consumed.
Say you only have Q3 & Q1 food
If your energy limit is now 2000
Then if auto eats every 20 energy then 3Q3 & 1Q1 is consumed to get this 20
Happens 100 times to get to 2000 so 300Q3 & 100Q1 consumed

But if it only auto eats when you log back on then for 2000 energy 333Q3 & 1 Q1 would be consumed

Either way you end up with 2000 energy but different Qs of food being consumed