Arcanic Return

Day 1,756, 00:57 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Arcanic Mindje

Hey there,

for the past 3 months my activity has been right at the bottom from a normal 3 month Holiday =.=

Taking the Dutch flag to Morocco where I tackled the waves at Agadir, Quadding in Essouria, being buckarood from a donkey at my cousins farm, climbing mountains in the Atlas and finally lieing doing nothing at my house in Marrakech.

But now Im back and im back to Activeness 😆

I shall start my activity again by directing our Embassies 😉, getting in the lazy congress, F-f-f FIGHT in our EDEN wars and most of all try and annoy someone in our IRC.


As part of my Government work, i encourage you to participate in the government by helping us in our embassies. We must continue be in touched by the eWorld but by that we need your help of keeping touch by becoming Ambassador. We currently short of Ambassadors so Apply Apply Apply 😉

If you do have an Facebook Account why not press the 'Like' button onthe Official Netherlands Erepublik page here:

Erepublik Netherlands

we have 45 likes but we need more 😉