Andy and Dominar Do America

Day 4,126, 13:15 Published in USA USA by Andy Dufresne

After digesting my sit down with Chickensguys (get it....), I decided my next course of action should be to meet with Dominar Rygel XVI and hear his take on the future of the eUSA, his plan to regain all of our regions and the overall state of eMerican' politics. After an awkward greeting, he hugs like a weird, vertical dry hump, we sat down to talk over leftovers.

WildOwl was invited but never showed up.....

After lunch, we decided to aid our brainstorming session by actively engaging our minds with a game of checkers.

I'm not sure Dominar is familiar with the rules, but I let him win to boost his confidence. We had a scary situation when he almost swallowed one of the pieces, but I was able to perform the Heimlich maneuver before any brain damage occurred due to lack of oxygen (maybe, I'm not a doctor).

After the checkers scare, Dominar wanted to show me how fast he can throw.

I was a little surprised when he threw the ball underhand, but after a little coaching, I think I got him on the right track.

When we sat down again Dominar asked me if I would consider taking on the role of Party President in the WTP. I told him that I was flattered he would consider me to right the ship. It's going to be quite the challenge, but one that I am ready for. Next month, with Dominar's blessing, I will be running for PP of WTP. I can't wait until Dominar and I do this again.

Future King of WTP,

Andy Dufresne