[NoTie4CP] A Rising Star Across Chaotic Constellations

Day 4,364, 10:53 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

Last month we've seen some interesting dynamics in place, that have increasingly brought ourselves to attention to the world stage. This all started when we decided to aid our (concession) partner Spain by landing on the Iberian peninsula, in an attempt to shield off Spain and Portugal from the CODE alliance. While our presence was relatively short, it seems to have ruffled some feathers in our country.

More (international) articles have been published, our air and land damage has increased a lot ever since and our ties within alliances like Asteria and Hydra have been consolidated. Even our population numbers have been dynamic, thanks to the increasing interest in eRep players in joining our small, but active society! Welcome to our new citizens like OMAGOD, Rainy Sunday and Chance Harrison!

With the same philosophy I would like to run for the Presidency once again. Amidst the current Halloween event our potential has shown and the appropriate number of Training Wars have been utilized (Germany, Poland & Latvia - with another one potentially coming very soon). But at the same time, there is still much uncertainty that our country needs to be guided through. Our alliance Orion has been shaken by an increasing pressure from CODE, that threatens to undermine the affectivity of our alliance. We too have felt this pressure, with Turkey taking an increasingly hostile approach towards us.

Black Friday is approaching fast, and while the Government has for months prepared the adequate funds to help you all, it remains to be seen how much we can manage to improve ourselves (economically). Most of our possible Concession partners have been compromised (Spain and Iran), which means a dent on our budget; Some programs may need to be adjusted slightly or other forms of income will need to be found.

I believe I excel when the most is at stake for the eNetherlands; And I will provide if I get the confidence to extend my mandate.