[FINANCE] Introduction

Day 684, 14:00 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Economische Zak

Dear eUNL citizens,

Please find below the first communication from me as Minister of Finance.

Why this article?

First of all, it has been a quite a while since the Ministry of Finance published anything. I want to put this newspaper again on your radar, as I will use it to reach the target set by the government: transparency. It has been a major point of parties, but I think it has not changed yet to everyone’s satisfaction. I am committed to make a start with changing that.

Please note that these articles might get a bit too much in the numbers (I sometimes get enthousiastic when playing with numbers). If you’re not interested in that, please make sure you are subscribed to the Media & Health newspaper, where a weekly article is made to keep eUNL citizens updated about the government's actions.

Who am I and how can you contact me?

I won’t go in too much detail here: I have been appointed and accepted as Minister of Finance. (Thanks for the trust in me!) Although some claim I have not much eRep experience (which – indeed – I don’t have), I do have a RL financial interest and background. Combined with some very experienced players who are willing to share their expertise on the Finance area, I hope I will not let you down.

If you want to contact the Ministry of Finance, you can go to the forum, by going to http://www.enetherlands.nl/viewforum.php?f=101. All input is welcome (as long as it is constructive, ofcourse). If you would rather not have it public, you can send a PM to the “Ministerie van Economische Zak” or directly to me.

What will be the targets of the Minister of Finance?

The targets for this period will be mainly the following two: resolving the financial crisis and obtain transparency. Please review to the whole government program to obtain the details.

The Ministry of Finance will work narrowly together with the Ministry of State Companies and Goldmarket to keep the 1 NLG on 0.016 G, while not letting the 1 G exceed the 66.50 NLG mark. The government will act both pro- and reactive to keep the exchange rates in the set borders.

The transparency consists of letting everybody know how the money in the State Account, DNB and Ministry of Finance (“Ministerie van Economische Zak”) is used. This enables a democratic check on me to be assured that I am doing my job as I should. I will also comply to the government program and try to give an overview of the state’s assets, like companies and organizations. I will give an overview of the money and gold flow towards other departments. However, please do note, that I will not go into detail on the expenditure of sensitive information.
For example, if the Ministry of Defense decides to buy an certain amount of Q5 weapons, I do not feel that our enemies need to find out, because that information was made public by Finance. I will however let you know if any money flows from the state account to Defence (both directly or through DNB or Ministry of Finance).

I sincerely hope that I can add something to the Ministry of Finance. Please don’t hesitate to raise anything (questions, suggestions, …) in the above described way, as transparency and openness will be my priority. Stay tuned for updates and future articles.

Thanks a lot for your time.

Kind regards,

Your Minister of Finance,