[air] the Art of the Dis or Avoiding Closure

Day 4,789, 10:26 Published in USA USA by Trite of the northern Penguins

"disclosure" being the present political game-speak to get elected, I want to draw attention to how utterly we are being Dissed, with no closure on the ongoing stupidity.

Unfortunately I could not find the article, I wanted to link where Gnilraps gives his homage to, and vote for biggest prick, Emerick. Who else sees (accidental pun) this election as the Dio cult vs, the Em-dicks? That someone (who knew how low to go) so long gone is still so loyally followed is impressive as it is stale. The whole switch toward eSerb sphere was merely a meta-game troll ...

meta-game thrived with players that quit, no wonder the meta-game sabotaged the in-game community at every turn (especially those forgoing the meta-shat). Every bad turn of events, the developed players (large factory holders) sought solutions that best suited their interest in the game, large communes not the larger community. Of course they generate tax revenue during manufacture phase, but looking at the marketplace I wonder where all the produced products are ... Those selling and generating tax revenue should be our present day heroes.

my factories above, storage below; full disclosure I rarely sell on the market choosing instead to donate, so tell me which you want 2k of Q1 or 1k of Q2 food in the comments and it will be my pleasure (until supplies run out).

this is what full disclosure looks like!

Consider a new era, stop the Dio Dicks circle jerking, bring balance to the game, endorse the Trite On Movement.