Wind of change?!

Day 2,911, 04:36 Published in Romania Romania by Raul Doru

Hello dear readers! Today I want to bring to your attention other (possible) tensions in diplomatic/military relations in the eWorld.

As you probably know, in May 2015 there was a great war between Greece and Bulgaria, that very soon get internationalized. The war was started by Greece in order for them to conquer the last resource they didn't have at the time, rubber, located in Vidin. Greece managed to conquer Bulgaria, but then Bulgaria freed itself along with Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and the two countries started an offensive against Greece. Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) was quickly defeated, but Greece–Bulgaria War went on.
Later during that May, first Mexico and then Chile Airstriked Saudi Arabia, but neither attacked Greece. Greece seemed to have more success for most of the time, but couldn't hold both countries conquered. The war ended with USA Airstriking Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and conquering it completely, after which Greece managed to conquer Bulgaria.
Specific detailes about that war you can find here:

In the end, a NAP was signed between Greece and Bulgaria: (I don't have the version published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria).

After that, in August 2015, the war in Southern Balkans started again, this time Greece being attacked and conquered by Bulgaria and Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Then allies from both sides got involved, Greece managed to free some of its territories and the war seemed to go on forever. Finally, a new NAP followed, between Greece, Bulgaria and Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), the so-called Southern Balkans NAP: (again, I only have the version of Greek MoFA).

Apart from the specific conditions of the NAP, what it is really important nowadays is the following: "The preceding agreement shall come into effect immediately upon publication by all three signing parties, on date September 3, 2015, and remain in effect until date November 7, 2015".

It will remain in effect until date November 7, 2015. That's interesting. That date already passed and I haven't seen any article about the 3 countries reinforcing that NAP. And the effects are seen. There is a little tension in the air. And there are again 2 sides: Bulgaria and Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) vs. Greece, Croatia and Turkey.

Even if, till now, no threatening move have been made by either of those countries, the fuse was lit by Georgia, an known ally of Bulgaria. According to the Georgian side, because of the MPPs signed by Bulgaria and Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) with Hungary (enemy of Ukraine, the "real brother" of Georgia) and their agreement with Serbia, Georgia decided to switch sides, rejecting the MPP with Bulgaria and signing one with Greece.
I don't know what to say about this, because Bulgarian MPP with Hungary is 9 months old and about the agreement with Serbia there are no concrete details. But this is for everyone to draw his own conclusions.
About Georgia's official position you can read here:

And there is also a reaction from Valentin Krastev, a Congress member in Bulgaria:

Following that statement, Georgia and Greece have both approved MPP laws. Interesting is that in Georgia whole Congress was in favor of this law, but in Greece there were 10 votes against...

On the other hand, we also have 2 NE laws of Bulgaria and Croatia against eachother (initiated by Bulgaria), but both of them will be rejected.

Anyway, these laws seems to be more related to the desire of both countries to maintain their colonies in India. We know for sure that this is a priority for the new Croatian Government, as it was stated in the official newspaper of Croatian Presidency:

PS: On that subject you may also like to read an interesting article by Mikhail Zarevich Kalashnikov:

PS2: Because in the comments costin1989 asked "What Chile will do?", i think this post of Alex Zvezdev is relevant:

and the link to the article published in the past by Chile's MoFA, mentioned by Alex Zvezdev:

Now, what do you think the near e-future will bring us? Another Southern Balkans NAP?! More farmville?! Another war in the Balkans?!

LE: We have the first answer: Greece is not interested in reinforcing the previous NAP. (use Google translate, you'll understand the main ideas).

Remember, stay informed and fight hard!