Why I Choose to Run

Day 944, 12:07 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

Hello, fellow eBelgians,

This newspaper was started as a wellness aid a few months ago, when I was myself new and not very well informed. I only ever wrote one article. I found others were doing it better, and there was no need for what I was trying to do.

Now I want to change my approach. I have agreed to run for Congress under the banner of Res Belgica, and I want to do this as a representative for all eBelgians, not just the established old-timers. These are the issues I stand for:

I believe in transparency in government and will work to achieve that.

I want to empower the ordinary eBelgian citizen. If you want a voice in government, vote for me and I will represent YOUR views. Just tell me what they are!

I support the party program to make referendum voting a part of the eBelgium system of government.

I support programs presently in place and the development of new ones to nurture young eBelgians and make them into strong active citizens.

It is time for fresh viewpoints and not just the same established people doing business as usual.

For a more lighthearted presentation of these ideas (as well as Reaussou's), go here:

We in Res Belgica want to know what it is that will help you become a happier, more informed and more involved citizen. To do this, help us by:

1. Voting.
2. Subscribing.
3. Telling us what you want! Comment here and in other media. Go to the forums and let your voice be heard. Send us PMs, and if we don't listen, hold us accountable. This is your eLife. Take it back!