Wellness in V1

Day 349, 22:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito

Over the last couple of weeks I have been monitoring my health levels with the intent of keeping at full strength.

One thing that became clear quite quickly is that the linear method of calculating health that used to exist pre-V1 no longer exists and that the healthier you are, the harder it is to increase your health rating.

I did a little research and found the wellness formula hiding in the V1 Wiki - http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Wellness - which explains all

There is also a handy wellness calculator at http://www.cccp-group.org/index.php?page=erep_wellnesscalc

At present - by far the most cost effective means of maintaining health is to get set up in a gift exchange programme - whereby you donate gifts to a partner who then reciprocates with an equal number/quality of gifts.