Waskington Prime, Sundays!

Day 4,443, 06:26 Published in USA South Korea by GunShotChief

We are going to start a new little feature where Sundays' are fun days! tohelp everyone relax a little and get away from the war, and negativity.

Our top story,Turkey and greece, fighting over Andhra Padesh


greece is currently retreating, but fighting, while turkey is pushing their front lines,We asked for a few comments from the soldiers, here's what we gathered : "AAAAAAARGH, it hit! It hurts! *more screaming in agony*" He was taken to the hospital, and he survived, which we'll have a beautifal story of later. Others complain about the weather, saying its, quote "too damn cold!" Later found stacks of warm clothes, that they had forgotten about! The turkey forces, say, although they're winning, they are running out of ammo, and soldiers, even if they didn't have much to begin with. This could be a turning point for the war.

Fun day's first event starts now, in which we will show a video, titled : floof balls.


Hope you all liked that.

Pick a number from 1-1000, Say your number in the comments, winners will be announced monday!

Word of the day:am·bi·dex·trous
Learn to pronounce
adjective: ambidextrous
(of a person) able to use the right and left hands equally well.
"few of us are naturally ambidextrous"
(of an implement) designed to be used by left-handed and right-handed people with equal ease.

Comment your word and it may be featured!

Our next Story: Father shot, kids do everything they can to cheer him up!
Ealier we mentioned how a father got shot and sent to the hospital. When he got there, they had to perform life saving surgery. When they finished, and he had fully recovered, his two daughters visited him in nurse costumes! They wrote hime cards, made little blankets.


This story blew my heart away, I love it!

Sunday challenge: Fight in five wars, and win!
2nd challenge, Buy my crap actually do something.

That's all for today!