Vote Pfeiffer, and other happenings

Day 3,729, 16:52 Published in USA USA by Pfeiffer.

Hello, America...and all the spammy Eastern Europeans in my shout feed and comment section.

I hope you all had a good weekend with your families. The Super Bowl is just starting as I'm editing this. Regardless of the outcome, there's one thing we all can agree on: Eagles fans are going to burn Philly to the ground tonight.

I'm running for another term as President, though that shouldn't be a surprise to any of you. In my last campaign article, I asked for some feedback and ideas.

While some were obvious flames, but I'll touch on others now:

More competitions/contests, etc. - Given the war on, we could easily set something up to track fights...but I think perhaps this is better suited to encouraging continued activity after the war.

An intolerance for our fellow players in the eUS - I agree here. I have gone out of my way to avoid direct confrontation with outspoken Americans with whom I do not politically align. I've sent some messages to a handful of those players on the forum and in game, very few were responded to in a neutral or positive manner, if at all. I'm willing to discuss any and every aspect of our current national policy, just drop me a serious message and you will get a serious response. Or post in Congress, I read everything (though I stay out of it if I'm not directly needed, as I don't want to get in the way).

A direction question from the player, Kobble: What do you think of the current state of our bureacracy? Is it too encumbered or not enough? Is it perfect in it's current state? If not, what improvements should it have?

The 'bureaucracy' meets current needs. We only run a few domestic programs, which are tended to properly. If we have a need for more, I would ensure it was also taken care of...and anyone who wants to be involved has only to ask. You'd be amazed how many people talk about not being included without ever asking for ways they can get involved. I respond to all messages, and would enjoy some of these people stepping up and getting involved.

We had one set of comments I don't know how to respond to: I like our 'peace and stability' but dislike 'stagnation'. One cannot have their cake and eat it, too.

In response to another comment, I will work to ensure more media goes out over the next month. From myself, and my team. The previous month was busy for me, but that's not an excuse for a lack of information being pushed publicly.

I don't know what this is, but it makes me laugh

While this is primarily a campaign article, I would be remiss if I didn't speak on all of the support and friendship our allies have shown us this last week.

Poland, Finland, Sweden, Latvia, and Colombia all deserve recognition for their efforts. It's been a few years since I was involved in a 'big' war (this is getting there), and I've enjoyed the messages and conversations with them. It reminds me of how things were when senior roles in eRep government was the equivalent of a full time job. Their passion is palpable, and they are funnier than they often get credit for publicly. Even 'evilguy' zRTx has been less evil than normal.

how I feel after our alliance chats

Also a special thank you to Croatia. Good to see you all getting excited. In recent years you've been...less than enthusiastic about a lot of current events. I'm glad to see that passion again, and it's made for an engaging war effort. While having them tank against you is never fun, seeing Zdlemmy and Romper fight induces a strong nostalgia. I hope you've all been well out in the real world. If any of you speak to andycro, say hi from me. Also my friend Antonio...HI ANTONIO.

pew pew

Recently, Congress raised taxes. For those who don't know, I didn't join that conversation. I felt that anything at 3% or greater would accomplish the immediate goals, and anyone telling you that 1% for life is the way to go is either someone looking to personally profit or puts their national defense in the hands of someone else's credit card. Hopefully this will return to normal quickly after the war.

I'm going to sit down and chat with a few people tomorrow morning about how best to ensure that anyone willing to push the FIGHT button has 100% of the supplies they need for the duration of the war. Please note that I said 'need'. This is to ensure the buttons are pushed, not to save the bottom line of the 1%ers. Until I figure out a better way, Americans only need to message me and I will personally buy you the food and tanks you need.

If you vote for me, thank you. I appreciate your support. If you want to get involved, just ask me. My inbox is open, as is our national forum and discord server.

If you don't vote for me, thank you for still being here. This game asks a lot, because it punches us in the face over and over again...but you're still here. Keep playing eRep, find the parts that you enjoy and run with them. We see our peaks and valleys, and the admins like to drive us deeper into the valleys, but you're here and that's important. If you want to get involved, just ask me. My inbox is open, as is our national forum and discord server.

Thank you all for your time, you're why I'm still here. Have a fantastic day, and I'll see you on the battlefield.

I remain

