Turkiye icin bir soru / A Question for Turkey

Day 749, 09:12 Published in Turkey United Kingdom by Bilen

English version below

Eğer Türkiye kendi maksatlari icin Macaristana bir ricada bulunsa, Macaristanin en buyuk düşmani Romanyaya saldırsin diye, Romanya'nın MPP'leri Macaristana karsi aktif haline donustursun Turkiye Yunanistana karsi Macaristan maksatlari icin yaptigi gibi yapar mi? Buna bir dusunun.

Türkiye, sana çok saygı duyuyorum, sizin askerleriniz, dünyanın en iyi savaşçıları arasında, Macaristanin savlaslarinda poker, teknik562, Battalgazi ve burakkocamis kahramanlar gördüm ama Turkiyedeki savaslarinda tek bir macar kahraman gordunuz mi hic? Turkiye, sen İttifak adına Macaristandan komut almaniza izin vermeyin artik gücunuz büyük, onemli bir eMilletsiniz. İttifak tek taraflı mı? Sanmıyorum.

Macaristan kendi iyiligi için kullandığı PEACE vatandaşlari savaslara katılan gerçeği bilmek gerekiyor

Tum makaleyi, inglizce bilenler burdan okuyabilir: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/shame-on-you-hungary--1076329/1/all

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If Turkey would ask Hungary to attack their most vicious enemy Romania and activate all Romania’s MPP’s like Turkey is doing by attacking their most vicious enemy Greece for Hungary, would Hungary do that for them? Think about it.

Turkey, I respect you a lot, your fighters are among the top fighters of the world, I’ve seen users as: poker teknik562, battalgazi and burakkocamis heroes on battles involving Hungary but have you seen just once a Hungarian being battle hero in one of the fights you were involved? You have the power to be a great strong eNation, don’t let others guide and command you in the name of an Alliance. Is an Alliance only one sided? I think not.

Citizens of the countries involved in PEACE or PHOENIX ought to know the truth, Hungary is using you for its own good and its own well being.
For those of you who speak english read the full article here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/shame-on-you-hungary--1076329/1/all