The Party Presidents Respond to my Gibbering Rambling. (Part 3)

Day 910, 15:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nikolasthe17th

Recently I posed a list of questions to all the party presidents of eIreland, well of the parties with a congressional presence. This article is a simple rehash of their answers, I won't doctor it. Transparency demands that I reveal my membership in the Freedom Party. I've never enjoyed pandering to a political party, and will keep this neutral.

This time we're joined by Irish Princess of the IUP. She began:

"I'm not sure if I can answer your questions directly, as the Irish Union Party is undergoing a large revamp at the moment, but I will try my best to answer those which you have provided."

What kind of people do you think you might support for congress, could you supply names?

"The people I wish to see in congress are any and all of the wonderful IUP members either with Congressional experience under their belts or newcomers who wish to try it out.

Who do you imagine you'll put your support behind for the presidential race?
"The Presidential race is a little out of reach for me right now. I haven't heard any chatter about candidates, but I do know that in the next few weeks, once the party members get used to the new forums, etc that we will be discussing matters such as these to their full extent. Again, my main goal is to make the IUP a new force in eIreland. We're going to have to move a little slow at first, but when we pick up speed, I know we'll be hard to stop 🙂

What do you want your party to do for the country as a whole?
"As for the country as a whole, I can't talk specifics as of yet (again, the platform is in the process), but I do wish for the Irish Union Party to be a party where the boundaries are set and its members stand firmly together on a plethora of issues. How will this help eIreland? I think stability is always good for an eCountry."

So, there you have it, she may not have a lot of information, but she seems to have a plan, join me again later as I plan to check in on her plans next month.
