Tea with Titans, Releasethe Krakken

Day 4,193, 07:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by Violence Seth

Well hello there, Sethesin here. Welcome to another Tea with Titans, an occasional frequent feature here on the Skald, where I endeavor to interview the movers, the shakers, the warlords and money makers right here on eRepublik!

In this sixth issue of Tea with Titans I will be interviewing a very polarizing character here within the eIreland community. Through happenstance via the "calling out" of my previous guest Amaryllis Bloom, who shared her own opinions of the game, I was confused yet intrigued by this individual who would give his own opinion beneath, so freely and so so rudely. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome a member of Ireland's oldest political organisation, The Irish Freedom Party, the Commander of The Dude M.U and Press Director of Kalashnikov where he certainly isn't afraid to share his mind.
It's none other than the one, the only..

Releasethe Krakken

So without futher ado, here's the interview

The Skal😛 Why do you play eRepublik?

RTK: It passes the time. And I generally like strategy games and simulation games. Also it does not require expensive hardware.

The Skal😛 eRepublik is a "Pay to ..." browser game. Fill in the blank.

RTK: play at a higher level. This is kinda the norm. Each of my previous 2 online games. If you paid money you would get an advantage over normal players. I support this. The only alternative is lots and lots of ads like youtube. When you start a youtube video these days you see an ad or 2 most of the time now in the middle there is an ad and most frustratingly at the end there is also an ad. Paying customer means no ads for no one.

The Skal😛 Your thoughts on the current state of eIreland and it's new alliance CODE

RTK: It seems eireland has massively improved its player and soldier core. Also it seems that anti Asteria alliances like CODE actually can win .in effect there is a lot more balance in the game. which is a good thing.

The Skal😛 As a long term veteran of this game, what has changed in eRepublik the most dramatically in the past couple of years, for better or for worse?

RTK: warfare: main features of the new game is maverick pack- all players can play in all the divisions. the sky module which opened a new avenue for new players.
economy: holding companies now allows all players to reap the rewards of bonuses versus the old game where you physically had to emigrate to get full bonuses. new system is much better.
bad side: player retention is always a massive problem for gaming companies even those 10 times more talented than erepublik. a new player cannot really compete against older players. from a strategic point of view a new account have no value besides politics/social interaction and journalism and activity. yet many players that start the game would not necessarily excel at that .

The Skal😛 The Dude M.U, Founded Day 1,199. Can you tell our readers more about your M.U?

RTK: The dude was originally the Irish Army. When we took it over it was basically an inactive low damage military unit. For many months and perhaps even years before that the Mu's I ran was the highest damage unit in Ireland. My soldiers was supplied received massive amounts of Q7 weps and q1 food. however i could not keep it up and this has left the mu where it is now a mu without supplies and a small core of loyal players with a large amount of other accounts which people create and leave in my mu. as an open mu i have no control who joins it though and neither does most mu's The name change to the dude was because i sensed that unlike my previous game there was nothing like synchronized attacks. therefore i stopped pushing for that and changed to a more laid back mu where people can fight at their own pace .

The Skal😛 You've served a mere three other eNations in your whole tenure as an eRep player going right back to 2011. What is loyalty worth in such a mercurial game?

RTK: The move to other nations was to supply my mu. I never was a part of that nations though. The intention was to gather 24000 Q7 weps and return. I discussed it with the government beforehand and they supported it (to the extend that they agreed with the idea) When however I landed in Bulgaria and saw that keeping my soldiers supplied and gathering large amounts of weapons was economically not possible and asked them for I think 50000 they totally was opposed to the idea. I therefore had to make other plans and remained in Serbia until the resource wars was a few days in. Yeah loyalty is important but then again that is a 2 way street. You cannot expect people to be loyal to you if they don't agree with all of your actions. Like for years only supplying 1 mu even when that mu was not near the top mu.

The Skal😛 It almost goes without saying that you're a controversial figure within eIreland and indeed extending out into eWorld. Is it a matter of personality, playing style or something deeper?

RTK: Outspoken people are always controversial. Most people are afraid of conflict so will rather remain quit and keep their true emotions pent up. Or not care at all. I know people like Player Named see that is some kind of flaw. In rl I'm more of an introvert so i enjoy the freedom to express myself in a game. Its my coin and i can do what I want in the game with my own time and say whatever I want as long as it follow the rules. Also its your own decision to what level you immerse yourself in the game . Older players tend to be more immersed than new players.

The Skal😛 RL nationalism and it's role in eIreland and the eWorld in general? Does the Dude abide or could he do without?

RTK: There is no real nationalism in eIreland. it however is prevalent in other countries like Greece/North Macedonia. The Ukraine/Russia. Croatia/Serbia Before this game I never experienced this or was even aware of this. But I find it sometimes amusing. For me learning of other people cultures is one of the greatest advantages of an online game. I sometimes will disagree with people on some issues for example there is an international convention on refugees so one cannot stop or send back asylum seekers on your borders although nations still do it.

The Skal😛 You often place yourself squarely as the opposite of the status quo. Some would call it brave and defiant and others petty and contrarian. Where would you place yourself in eIrelands society?

RTK: Currently I'm more on the sidelines cheering on my party members in congress. What is the status quo anyway? I have seen the status quo formed and broken down so many times in eIreland i therefore is hesitant to follow it. Different groupings have been in power to lose their grip later on. Party Politics is to prevalent in eIreland. People get in power and advance the interest of their fellow party members instead of the general interest of the country.

The Skal😛 If you could hold reign over eRepublik for a week, what changes would you make?

RTK: I would first off implement all the promised updates. Secondly i would look back in my own ideas articles and implement some of the ideas I had. I would allow old accounts to be bought and sold in eRepublik. i would also create a market for packs.

The Skal😛 What's the most interesting thing happening in eRepublik right now?

RTK: Tbh I have so much going on in my own life I seldom get time to follow trends. Atm it seems a quit lull. if I'm wrong then as stated above I have to much stuff going on in my own life to take recognizance (if that is the right word) of it.

The Skal😛 So, what does the future of eRepublik hold?

RTK: I would say if the persons in charge of development pay more attention to the demands of players and introduce some ideas to level the playing field. They might enjoy a long period of success. However if they dont I think the game will just keep bobbin around in perpetual limbo. We are a 1 world game so think the game as is still offer enough to retain the 1% or so that stays in it. And will keep attracting that 1%. However if they aggressively implemented all changes and really market this game say in youtube etc we might get a better game experience and even more competition. but currently its a coffee cup with a broken bottom where all the new players fall out so they need to fix that before launching any major campaign. Also considering that the internet is basically a massive haystack they should anyway do a lot more marketing of the game.

The Skal😛 What would you like at the bar?

RTK: My favorite drink was brandy and cola. i dropped the cola (and all carbonated sodas) and other alcohols make me light headed . perhaps the new johnny walker white though. think i will end up at whisky although i dont really like the taste.

Another Tea with Titans, another look into the grizzly brains of the best and brightestdarkest in this little horror-show we call eRepublik! I'd like to thank Releasethe Krakken for sharing his opinions and thoughts on the game and credit where credit's due, he gave a very interesting interview. Please keep it civil in the comments, have at it but try not collect any Forfeit Points in doing so.

Well that's all we have time for! Thank's again to my guest RTK for his candour and for taking part in this interview. Please Vote, Comment, Subscribe (if you haven't already) and join me next time for another Tea with Titans!

Thank you for reading!
