Tea with Titans, Amaryllis Bloom

Day 4,189, 16:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by Violence Seth

Well hello there, Sethesin here. Welcome to Tea with Titans, an occasional feature here on the Skald, where I endeavor to interview the movers, the shakers, the warlords and money makers right here on eRepublik!

In this fifth issue of Tea with Titans I will be interviewing a player who has come back back to the game after a time away. I'm very pleased to welcome a fellow member of the Irish Republican Party and Congress Member, 2nd Commander of the Fighting 69th and Press Director of the Down the Rabbit Hole
It's none other than the one, the only..

Amaryllis Bloom

So without futher ado, here's the interview

The Skal😛 Why do you play eRepublik?

Amaryllis Bloom: This game allows some one to immerse themselves into the realm of a governing standpoint. Something most of us just see from the outside looking in at our own government. I graduated school with honors, but this game has helped me learned more about how governments function better than any schoolbook I was forced to read. We can see the critical thinking, logical, irrational, and emotional side to decisions that effect entire nations.

The Skal😛 Spending real cash to get ahead? What's your take personally and I suppose Sociologically within the eRep community?

Amaryllis Bloom: I do not partake in spending my own money on virtual items. I can see why some do it, to get ahead, to acquire that status faster. Personally, I have more important, tangible things to spend my money on. But again, other view it as a way to gain that popularity. And possibly keep them in Plato's good graces to prevent a ban.

The Skal😛 Irishness. Gaeldom. Being a Paddy. How relevant is that concept, or any concept of nationhood in a game where the lines blur between affinity, native status and PTO weariness?

Amaryllis Bloom: Being Irish seemed (sic) to be all the craze for every one in March, other than that, no one cares. Which is a shame. It is a great culture. As far as being Irish and being in eIreland, I think as long as people try to maybe understand the cultures and read up on the history of Ireland, especially their politics, it shouldn't be an issue. Coming in blind and trying to take over, without knowing the tenacity of the people, will not be successful.

The Skal😛 The Fighting 69th, Founded on Day 3,268. Can you tell our readers more about your M.U?

Amaryllis Bloom: We are a small band of brothers. Even though I am of the female gender, I use that term proudly. Band of Brothers. Because when we fight, we are one. We work together, we strive together. Not a lot of time to put on make up on the battlefield anyways.

The Skal😛 How would you compare the eRepublik of today to the one of years gone by, on both a community level and a technical one?

Amaryllis Bloom: Technically speaking, not a lot has changed, which has it's pros and cons. It would be much easier to add a script that let you hit until you are out of energy. Or have an option to refill energy with more than one energy bar at a time. However, each click you make, requires effort, so it is all about how many times you feel like sitting there and clicking. Communities have come and gone. Disappeared all together or been replaced with new citizens. I think the newer communities that are here, might have a little better understanding of government, now that younger kids have smart phones with news streaming on every social media outlet. They have a better grasp at what is going on in the world around them. It was almost needed years ago, to have a veteran player in your circle, to help you understand the game and what was expected of you.

The Skal😛 What would you love to add into the game?

Amaryllis Bloom: I don't really know what could be added, aside from what I already mentioned on the technical side. Maybe give Division 1 a vehicle instead of a tiny little person.

The Skal😛 What would you love to remove from the game?

Amaryllis Bloom: I would take away the option of higher divisions hitting in Division 1, being that higher levels mean higher damage, I seldom have the desire to even hit because the numbers are so high already.

The Skal😛 What player do you find the most interesting in the game at the moment?

Amaryllis Bloom: Not one person in particular. But more like the people who get so wrapped up in this virtual world, they get mean, petty, and completely childish over the smallest things. I find it interesting because how empty could their own personal lives be that they cling to 1's and 0's as a way of life? A symbol of status and achievement.

The Skal😛 Any eNations outside of eIreland you also find interesting?

Amaryllis Bloom: Eh, being from the United States, and in a different life, because a citizen of eUSA, I didn't mind it, being that I know America. eCanada was always friendly to me.

The Skal😛 Being a relatively low strength player yourself, do you think there's room for new players and if so, what areas should they focus on?

Amaryllis Bloom: I think it is easier for newer players, again, already mentioned, due to the social media always being up to date on current events. Definitely focus on strength, getting into an MU, and not letting snipers discourage you from fighting.

The Skal😛 What would you like at the bar?

Amaryllis Bloom: Irish Car Bomb of course.

Another Tea with Titans, another look into the grizzly brains of the best and brightest in this little horror-show we call eRepublik! I'd like to thank Amaryllis Bloom for her candour and her patient, considered answers.

Please Vote, Comment and Subscribe and if you're looking for a new military unit to join within eIreland, look no further than the scrappy Fighting 69th!

Thank you for reading!
