Stepping In The Mud Volume 5

Day 4,310, 01:56 Published in USA USA by Hcmadman legione astra equitum

Date: 2:00 Day 4310
By: Hcmadman


I only really need to mention that it has been suggested that all budgetary approval and control be turned over to the CBO, but I will explain further.

Though I am sure the people currently in charge of the CBO are trustworthy, you can't guarantee that someone with malevolent intent will never get in the post. It is irresponsible, and unthinkable to abrogate congressional responsibility to bureaucrats in such a way.

Any move must be met with resistance of the highest resolve, lest we open the door to financial ruin and imbezlment.


Missouri is free from

for the first time in months!
Now back to your regularly scheduled NPC gameplay.


Historical Spotlight

Back when newspapers were competitive! By Claire Littleton


"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need." - Cicero
