Skies and Frontlines of the eUK 'Top Fighters' - Interview #1 Yigit Can Balta

Day 5,832, 07:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Huey George

Series Introduction

Welcome to the ‘The Skies and Frontlines of eUK: Our Top Fighters’ interview series. In this collection of interviews, we will hear from some of the UK's current most accomplished tanks and pilots.

Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a new recruit aspiring to join their ranks, these interviews provide a glimpse into the lives and experiences of those who have dedicated themselves to the military module.

The first player to answer this series questions with was Yigit Can Balta

At the time of publication Yigit has reached the Ground rank of Legends of United Kingdom: FragUK Battalion I and Aircraft Rank Group Captain ** with the 50th highest Maxhit (Ground) and 14th highest UK Maxhit (Air).

Yigit also serves as a Captain in the Royal Air Force

The Interview

Hey Huey, I'd be happy to participate.

First Question:

Tell us a bit about yourself. What's your Erepublik journey been like, and what motivates you to continue playing? What aspects of the game do you find most enjoyable and captivating?

I have been playing Erepublik for a very long time, since I was 12-13 years old, with some pauses here and there. Its been fun seeing the game change over the years, some good some not so good. I just love the aspect of building your citizen up, its a dopamine rush for me every time I lvl up or gain a new medal, this is what keeps me playing.

Second Question:

Can you share a piece of advice or an experience where a government scheme or program significantly contributed to your military development and success in Erepublik?

When I came back there was some change with companies and bonuses and I needed to move like 200 of them to new regions, it was you and your administration Huey that helped me to move them and start producing again. I would've been in a tough situation without that help.

Third Question:

What's the most unforgettable campaign or battle you've participated in during your time in Erepublik?

I will never forget my early days here in EUK as we were fighting occupation and getting wiped. Of course I was a lot weaker player at that time but it still had a profound effect on me in seeing how much damage a enation can put out and how weak we were in our defense, I'm sure we've come a long was since then but others have too.

Fourth Question:

What are your current objectives and ambitions in Erepublik? Are there any specific goals or milestones you're striving to achieve, and how could the government or community help?

My current goals rn are to acquire as much wealth as I can, I've come to find out that helps with almost any situation. Secondly, to continue lvling up as fast as I can.

Fifth Question:

Are there any fellow players or accounts within the Erepublik community whom you admire or respect for their achievements or contributions? What qualities or actions do you find commendable in them?

Aside from the accounts with like 10's of thousands of medals, I admire ppl like harveytailbanger, who go out of their way to donate, from their own pockets, to citizens. I also admire you Huey, for your continued activity in this game. You're actively helping us all and working behind the scenes to make sure the EUK is running well. Honestly idk how you make the time for it all!

Closing Question:

Finally, do you have any words of wisdom or motivation for aspiring fighters and pilots in Erepublik, something that could inspire them to achieve success?

I would just like to say to all the players, it can be disheartening to play this game sometimes but the more time you invest, the stronger you'll get overtime. It took me years to get to where I m today and I don't consider myself "strong" but I am excited to reach newer and higher lvls on every aspect of this game!

My deepest thanks to Yigit for taking the time to take part in this series and my respect and appreciation for what he has achieved in the Skies and Frontlines of eUK.

This is the 1st interview of the series so look out for further interviews in this series.

Thank you for taking the time to read this interview.

Written and Published by Huey George