Running for Congress

Day 915, 23:05 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nikolasthe17th

Admittedly I am a new face, but with an old mind. But I am announcing my intentions to run for congress, I'm running under the independent voices party, as I feel this is the closest I can get without having to pander to a party. My platforms are simple, I promise to never make an uninformed decision, any measure introduced to congress without a discussion board will not receive my support. Every single measure I promote will be equipped with a detailed discussion board. I like the people that vote in Ireland to be informed that I'm doing the best for them.

My primary concern is to increase the birth rate, and immigration rate, I'd like to work with the president and congress as a whole to find the means to achieve this, I'd like to increase the New Citizen Fee, only to 7 or 8 to ensure that new players are able to afford food for one week.

Above all any voter can contact me with concerns, with a promise they will be publicly addressed, and I will try to get the ball rolling on all helpful suggestions.
