Romania welcomes South Korea

Day 1,069, 16:43 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur
Romania welcomes South Korea into the family of their allies hoping for a great future together. 2 days ago the MPP between the 2 countries has been signed and I am very happy to announce this thing (for some sort of bug the MPP is not yet functional even if the voting process ended in both countries).

After long negotiations with the South Korean president Grease, we managed to make an agreement in the benefit of both countries. What will bring this MPP to Koreans?

First of all a strong ally because Romania is known as a very strong country in E-Republik
having a lot of brave fighters. Also this MPP will bring the possibility for every South Korean to be able to fight daily and to grow faster in ranks. More fights means demand for weapons and food and in the end a better economy (of course, better salaries). This can be the a great opportunity for south-Koreans to join the game and to create the all-wanted baby-boom. Doing more than 2 clicks daily can bring people into the game and excitement for the ones that are already playing it.

What will bring this to Romania? A better influence in the area and also the possibility to have a stronger ally in the future.

Hopes and dreams for both countries for great things to happen. Let’s enjoy together a month full of fights from Bucharest to Seoul!

eSouth Korean congressman
Romanian side Negociator