On the edge?

Day 663, 11:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

The day after tomorrow is just another day.
Well not quite,the day after tomorrow will see all parties within the eUK choose their new Party President.
This will mean an extra click for some and for others much more.

For me it could mean taking on the leadership of the Unity Party (my manifesto is http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/a-pp-manifesto-by-karacticus--930580/1/20>here ), something I would relish and consider a fantastic privilege.

We have some fantastic talent within the Unity Party and regardless of the day after tomorrows election results it will be an honour to work with our members towards another successful Congress election.

Hitting the Fan

Last night a vote on the removal of a Lord appeared to go slightly off kilter. Confusion reined down upon the Commons as people cried foul over the final result.
The cause of this confusion? The word "abstain". Claims and counter claims over the validity of this little word and its affect on the final voting majority were bandied back and forth.
Anyhow, in view of this, a re vote is now being conducted.

The other big topic of the moment is the House of Lords. Do we need it or not? The Lords are there to provide advice and wisdom to help congress produce water tight legislation that can not be exploited.

If I were you I'd get onto the http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/index.php>forum and have your say. After all it's your country.

That just leaves me to wish all PP candidates good luck and wish the rest of you a good week.