No more police brutality!

Day 2,034, 22:40 Published in Spain Slovenia by manicni poet

My Turkish friend keeps me posted about stuff going on in Istanbul and other Turkish cities. This is what he wrote at 2 AM this morning …

Today, following Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s extremely sectarian, separatist, and fictious speech in Ankara, around 9 PM, the Turkish police began to attack thousands of people who were at the Gezi Park and Taksim square, having dinner. There were kids under 4-5 years old, mothers, and old people among those who were under gas and pressurised water attack. According to reports, police doesn’t allow journalists to report or to take pictures from Gezi Park. They are also attacking with pressurised water business such as famous Divan Hotel that opened its doors to protestors running away from brutality. People are saying there are thousands of wounded inside the hotel. People formed a human chain in front of the hotel to prevent police to attack. Another report says that people cannot leave the hotel because police is arresting whoever leaves.

There are also unconfirmed reports that police shut down the metro and boats between Asia and Europe to stop people coming and joining the rest. Another report says that there is a jammer in the area to prevent TV stations’ broadcast. There are hundreds of wounded. There are a lot of missing kids, or kids who are separated from their families. Protestors are fighting with police in Sıraselviler, Cihangir, Harbiye, and most likely around Dolmabahçe and Maçka. People call it a total brutality, a real savagery that is going on tonight. What we are seeing an ugly war where only one side have weapons. THIS IS STATE TERROR!!

As I have seen many uprisings in the last 20 years or so, I also know that people tend to exaggerate. But that doesn’t mean police brutality doesn’t exist. I’ve seen it on pictures, on television and I’ve seen it live, on the streets. I’ve seen police storming down on innocent people numerous times, just because they wanted to express their opinion.

The one thing that bothers me the most is why use such brutal force against mostly unarmed or poorly armed civilians? Why does it take five or more cops in full riot gear, with sticks and tear gas to tackle down one student, or even a girl, or an elder? Why use all your combat skills on opponents that can’t match you even in an open fight one on one? Why call your buddies? Are you some kind of animal pack? You think you’re tough with all your buddies covering your back? Well, think again homey!

There may be more protestors than police. But protestors don’t have guns. They don’t have tasers or tear gas. They don’t have water canons or horses. Most of them just want to stand there or walk around expressing their opinion that is their constitutional and human right. So why unleash all your rage upon them? Who the fuck do you think you are? The uniform doesn’t give you the right to be a complete asshole! You should be protecting people not fight them!

For as long as I breath I will condemn police or military brutality. I will condemn state terror. I will protest against stomping on human rights. Blood thirsty warlords. Crazy politicians. Your time is over clowns, the sooner you get used to the idea the better.

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