My try for a MM medal

Day 1,444, 15:14 Published in Romania Romania by Milanezu

Reading the newspapers these days and seeing more and more of those MM campaigns I decided that I want that medal as well. I know it's a bit rubbish to simply ask for it so as the 'new trend' asks for it, I am throwing some prizes in the game:

1st prize: 3 Gold
2nd prize: 2 Gold + 30 Tanks (q5 thingies)
3rd prize: 2 Gold
4th prize: 50 tanks (q5 thingies)
5th prize: 50 q3 tanks
6th prize: 100 q5 food

I really want to wake up in one morning and see this:

Ohhh...and yeah...if I get the MM medal by the end of the 1446th day, the prizes will double.

How does this thing work?

1. Subscribe + vote(if you want the prizes)
2.Don't add me as a friend
3.Simply write down in a comment the sub number and the number of the vote
4.shout this article so you have a chance at doubling those prizes

the context end when 1000 subs are reached

will be using this to figure out the winners. Special extra prizes may be awarded if I feel like it

All my respect