Memorandum #013

Day 4,304, 08:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by Violence Seth

Last Episode : Memorandum #012
Our Discord :

Subject: Battle of Liberty Hall (Part Two)

Ratel threw an empty mag at my head as a morning alarm bell. “I’m up, I’m up! Stop throwing sh*t at me.” The lads all chortled. We were stationed upstairs at a Civ hideout with a seedy bar beneath. I packed my gear and followed the lads downstairs. This was a big one. I rarely get nervous before missions but I’d a nasty feeling. It was more like bats than butterflies. There was only so much I could do from a sniper post. I was still half asleep, with a washed out dream of talking with the enemy so we could all go back to sleep. Muis slapped that notion out of my head. “Look sharp ‘Bird. This is serious, you could get killed.” I knew he loved me but my love wasn’t like his love.

The meeting wore on. They postured and roared. It was a Research and Development guy that broke the monotony. He’d an old Roman or Greek trick he was yammering about, something to do with luring them out. Unsurprisingly they all ignored him. When he raised his voice they gave him a spotter job to shut him up. He seemed a bit perturbed but left with a steely look. “We have one chance at this, don’t screw it up or we’re back under the streets or further still, the grave. Stay safe.” said the Black Hound. He was such a charming lad. “You heard the swart hond, my comrade Seán.” Ratel loomed over him. “No mistakes or we’re all finished. We’re dog food if you mess up.” His lips were almost black. “So, you all good yeah?” inquired the White Fox, Claire O'Malley. “Ma'am, yes ma'am!” we roared in response.

Dublin, Japanese Occupied Ireland
Day 4,296, 19;00 eRT

We were running out of ammo fast and Goshawk seemed to have an unending supply. Our spot was about to collapse. Muis and I ran down to the street. Bullets pinged everywhere. There was a cache of ammo left by the Dublin Brigade up the street. “Don’t!” I screamed as Muis made a break for it. When he got hit I screamed, internally. I don’t know how but I ran quick as the wind and managed to pull him out of range. He wasn’t breathing. I tried CPR. I felt hot tears well up in my eyes. I thumped him as a tear shook loose and he gasped. I was so relieved. “You’re fine comrade. Stay still, we’ll get you out of here.” He tried to sit up. “Nah, I can still fight.” Such a gallant, brave, stupid man. “No Muis, stay still. You’ve been hit, you know protocol.” He nodded, reluctantly.

Once we got out of dodge I patched Muis up as best I could. He’d been hit a bit lower than his shoulder. He was fading in and out. I talked to him constantly, just to try to keep him alert. That R & D chap seemed to be calling the shots now over the Comms and the orders were to retreat. I could hear the Goshawk soldiers laughing off in the distance. I propped up Muis and shuffled off as fast I could, deep into Dublin’s winding alleyways.

I layed Muis near a bombed out Cinema. We’d decent cover and Comm reception. Dr. Steph was playing soldiers like chess. The new tactic was to lure them out, an idea I heard JP talk about that had got shot down. Everyone wanted to take the fight to them, including me. Now Muis is down and I’m panicking. This Dr. Steph chap was all business, no-one dared defy him. I listened to the Comm chatter as I looked after Muis. He was turning ashen, I was terrified he’d die. I kept talking at him, trying to get him to laugh.

The Comms nearly deafened me. It sounded like we’d done something right. “Hear that Muis!? We’re winning!”. He smiled a sorry excuse of a smile. “Wake up Muis! You’re not allowed to die. Medics will be here soon.” I felt him grip my hand. He was gonna make it. His eyes were alive with determination. “Go… Finish the job. I’ll Comm the Medics. Go!” Muis whisper-roared. I kissed his forehead and clipped in a new mag.

“Today we’ve won.” A cheer went up. The Black Hound, Seán Murphy was standing atop one of the E.L.F tanks with a makeshift Rasa Blank flag hung on a long pole. “We don’t know what tomorrow will bring but we can all share in this triumph at least before the sun sets.” A few laughs could be heard but Seán was serious, statuesque. “Is arm é eagla… Goshawk use fear, denigration and our own sense of self against us. Fear is a weapon but hope is a stronger one!” said Seán, his face remaining stern amongst the uproarious applause. “Goshawk is a branch of a much more nefarious, much more cunning pest. The Academy.” The crowd looked a bit perplexed. “Goshawk are the Academies military wing. We need to make this place, Liberty Hall, a place of righteous defiance against their works and spread the justice we won here today across the world! The “Simulation Wars” are population control. Will you let them do that to you and yours!? Would you rather live a slave or die with dignity?” The crowd still looked confused. It was a lot to take in to be fair. Seán could sense it. “Hail to the Dublin Brigade and Dr. Stevie who oversaw our victory! Hail our Estionian brothers E.L.F and you Rasa Blank, who brought us under one cause. Hail Rasa Blank!” A cheer rose up as Seán swung the Rasa Blank flag. The two O’Malley’s were bolstered up. They’d done the impossible, bringing everyone together, yet they still couldn’t smile in their victory. They’d only recently lost their brother. Soon their beer casks where bust open and everyone assembled seemed ecstatic. A handsome young fiddler began an eerie old Irish song, accompanied by his waifish friend, playing a crude frame drum. I was too worried about Muis to share in their oddly foreign frivolity.

I went to check on Muis, asking everyone and anyone desperately which tent he was in. A kind woman with auburn hair lead me the way, calming me on the way. She had a weird name like Granny but that couldn’t be right. Probably one of those weird Irish names. I found JP and the heavily pregnant Dr. Allison waiting beside him. “Ann, take a seat.” said Dr. Allison. I could see JP had been crying. My heart nearly stopped. Muis!?" I sobbed, tears busting out. I seen the good Doctor Steph on a stretcher too, pale and strapped to an I.V drip. “No, no it’s not that bad Ann! It is serious. He’s in a coma. Blood loss. He’ll get better, don’t panic. He’ll be back with us in no time.” It felt like a wrench was tumbling around inside me. “When!?”

Signing off,

Ann Elenor "Ladybird" Lonsdale, Chance Unit, Rasa Blank