Making your head spin

Day 2,003, 20:18 Published in USA USA by SwiftStrike74

SO, let's talk about these elections shall we? These elections have hit us all like a slap in the face, makes you want to just fall down and cry. With all the information swirling everywhere and insults flying left and right from all sides, its like we're having our own little war right here at home (who needs to fight wars in other countries, right?). Well, if you're like me you've been a little bit confused by the recent elections, but NOT ANYMORE. We (me) here at True Patriot Press are here to bring you all the facts (because nobody wants to look through all that crap in the papers).

The election for this month has really boiled down to a dog eat dog kinda thing where one side is taking out all the stops to try and win. Multi-account ballooza, insults, bribery, open admittance to thinking up ideas that would damage our country. I think we can all guess who came up with this stuff. naturally it was AFA and our good old buddy RGR. I didn't even have to flip through other party stuff to see everything here. It is all going down in USWP and probably elsewhere too.

Bribery is a pretty easy one to cover, I mean come on RGR has been sending mails to everyone trying to get them to vote for LAPE whatever. He's been offering $1000 to anyone who votes for the guy. It is like he thinks we're all stupid. RGR wouldn't pay out $1000 to anyone but himself and his Serbian friends. Insults isn't even worth my time, those are so common it is a bore. Multi-accounting though, that hurts. There are nearly 150 people on the USWP ballot this election. Now I don't know if every single one is a multi, but I'm relatively certain that all the ones littering our walls with LAPE nonsense are here for the PTO. That just leaves the open admittance stuff. I especially like the one where RGR openly admits on a wall that he gave hanibal the idea to make a "Rainy Saturday" to attempt to hold votes in PP election here in USWP (didn't work, Othere still winning). All this and more to come from our beloved Serbian friends at AFA.

Here's the link to the article involving RGR's admittance (happens to be article about fake Othere account):

Check it out and more to keep yourselves updated guys. Don't let yourself get fooled into a silly mistake you will regret. If you like the article, subscribe, if you want to talk feel free to send a message. I'm a friendly person, promise I won't bite 🙂. Any requests for information can be sent to my mail too and I promise I'll get into as soon as I can.