Make eUSA Honorable again

Day 3,657, 12:13 Published in USA Switzerland by tef1

My fellow citizens of eUSA. Enough is enough. It is time to bring back honor to eUSA. The discriminatory forums of eUSA, the bribes and the concentrated power has slown the progress can and should have the eUSA gotten to at this point. We are too powerless and we are becoming laughable.
That can change and it should. Tef1 has taken the extraordinary measures distancing itself from the SFP and the corruption that is associated with the party. A new party has now been formed.It is unfortunately a population of one. But it is still at the early stage of development. Forming a party is not good enough at all. We need to go way beyond that. That is why, Comrade Tef is offering a brand new voice to the mix. The time of false promises for getting elected are beyond us - at least they should be. It is time for Tef to take the helms of eUSA.
Vote for eUSA because a vote for Tef is a vote for eUSA.