Make eUK Grate Again

Day 3,048, 23:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hail Astrid

As a young eCitizen, I often wondered about the early days of our nation. Of course, this was among other things I wondered about, like - is this game really about clicking two buttons again and again over a period of literally years while others gain unbeatable advantages through pay-to-win methods? And - is there any Rule 34 out there for Lana, or the Headless Chicken? Of course, I already had about 1 TB of Plato-related explicit material to show at family occasions such as weddings, baby showers etc, like any casual eRepublik user would. However, I digress.

The early days of the eUK held deep intrigue for me, being a keen student of history. Among my other hobbies, such as puddle-watching, I also like to read other people's diaries, as being a professional BACP-accredited counsellor I am able to use this material to tell if other people are in distress (for example, if I come across a sentence declaring "omg i wanna kill myself", I would take appropriate action i.e. correcting the sentence to "omg i want to kill myself".) However, I digress.

It appears that the glory days of our country are over. The game is dying, or so we're told, but it seems to stay alive anyway, being a useful cash cow for eRep Labs to use in their development of crap mobile games, and having conditioned certain users to levels of addiction that wound up in them spending enough money and time on the game that would otherwise enable them to purchase for their mommas innumerable houses.

Indeed, the time to play this game in the conventional way has long been rendered obsolete. As it stands, the only true way out - for all of us - is to accept that we're never going to be the biggest, baddest, bodaciousest eCountry out there. Time and again other eCountries have found our soft tender eButtholes ripe for penetration, using the tears of srs bzns people as insufficient lube. We never have enough money, we never have enough strength, we never have enough players...

It is time to embrace the fact that we have something that no other country has.

mad bants.


At this point I hear your cries.

"It would just be too awesome!" - Dave Trenga

I know, Dave. I know. Until this point, the eUK has not been ready for the man, the myth, the legend, the one who stood against the Queen's English and said, "No. I make my own rules regarding punctuation."

But that was then. This is now.

All Popovic can promise as Dictator - and as a true Dictator, not one who bows before such trivial things as the Google Doc we call the eUK constitution and who takes the opinions of his peons - nay, the very existence of his peons - as mere trivialities - is true, 100% pure, indisputable bants.

Here MS10EL is left to ponder the meaninglessness of existence without Popovic

small loan of 200,000 cc pls