If You Ever Wondered \/\/ho I am(Ireland)

Day 922, 23:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nikolasthe17th

I joined the eWorld on the 518th day, in the southern eUSA, Kentucky to be exact, I immediately had ambitions of the political types, and set out to learn everything I could bout the game, it seemed simple enough, click work, click train, so simple an idiot could do it. Soon after joining, I moved to Illinois to mirror a real life move. I read in game news papers, most were horrible creations of people simply trying to increase their readership, nothing to say, but a rare few were insightful and helpful.

Internet problems stopped me from getting a Hard Worker medal for three months, and I could not participate fully in the eUS government as I couldn't know for a fact I'd be on. Eventually life stabilized for a moment, I made an attempt for the eUS congress and was utterly and thoroughly defeated, I received one vote, from my mother (thats a joke to garner sympathy, she really voted against me). It became obvious that it would be near impossible to break a new face into the eAmerican political machine.

My new tactic, find a small country that needs help. S clear problem that can be fixed, and a small friendly population. Austria seemed the perfect choice, I saved my money for my moving ticket, said goodbye to my family and friends and packed my cat into boxes (Well until I opened them she could have been in all of them at once or none of them). I made my appearances in Austria befriended as many as I could, and presented my plans to the natives. My plan worked, I served the CP many times in cabinet, served as the first MoI, I even served twice in the congress, I platformed honesty and transparency in congress, something I still promote.

Then it hit, in-game a bout with twoclickitis, in real life, a little bit of depression, I fought valiantly but eventually death caught up with me, I am told my funeral was kept small and I was remembered fondly. My elife had come to an end.

So, how am I writing this article you may ask, it is quite simple. I've returned from the dead. I took some time out to clean the dirt from my hair. I trained to help my military, I've read newspaper articles, I have resumed life, this time in Ireland. My cat and I are ready to again assist in growing the world around me, I may not be the best, but I will do MY best in making Ireland THE best.

-The Resurrected Nik