Hi Meet Shirosakura, she is one of us

Day 3,442, 16:26 Published in Japan Serbia by BastovanSurcinski
Respected all. And everyone else.

After almost a month we have the interview with shirosakura in front of us. It took a while, but I'm glad it did. It sure was worth it. Please, enjoy 😃


The first question will be, as it was before, anything but a question, tell us a bit about your self in RL. So where do you live, what do you do in life, anything you find interesting to share with others.


I'm a 22-year old trans girl who grew up in the in the IRL US of A, and spent the first 21 years of my life living in Georgia and Tennessee. I majored in Aviation and minored in Japanese, and I currently work for an airline in St. Louis, where I support their operations and other fun stuff. My ultimate goal is to be a pilot or an urban planner, I haven't decided.

Other than that, I'm basically anime trash, and watch as much as I can when my schedule allows. I like playing video games too, and I own a console from every Nintendo generation (except the Switch boo.) I follow some urban design ideas and I also like to read, sing, and draw, even though I'm terrible at two of those. I also like biking and exploring new places.


What attracts you to the aviation the most? And what type of anime do you like the most?

Feel free to back it up with some pics or links 🙂


What I love about aviation is the feeling of being in motion, of being free from the earth and being able to see all of the world from the sky. It's a beautiful feeling to be able to just soar around and travel and simply enjoy it. When I was younger, I fell in love with the magic of flight itself, but as I've grown up, I've definitely learned to appreciate that aspect of it.

As far as anime that I like, I like anime with strong characters, strong stories, or both. My favorite anime tend to skew towards dramas or comedies that put an explicit focus on intercharacter relations and character development, and while I generally enjoy intelligent and poignant shows (Code Geass, Welcome to the NHK, Wandering Son), I also enjoy silly ones like Konosuba and Baka and Test. I'm all over the place, but I do have a very extensive anime list here: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/jacksonart55

These are the kind of planes I've flown.


And what kind of games do you like playing? Also, what kind of music do you enjoy listening to?


I like playing RPGs, Action/Adventure, and City Building games in particular! It's a weird combination, but I think it represents my interests pretty well. I love games with lost of world-building, complex plots, and lots of character development, which makes the RPG genre a pretty easy sell for me. City Building games definitely appeal to the urbanist in me lol.

My favorite RPGs rest with the Tales series (Zestiria is my favorite, SOREY MY bb ) but I also like Pokemon, Zelda, and Fire Emblem. I have more games, but these are my favorite franchises.

As far as music, I listen to a lot of things, but a lot of what I end up listening to is soundtracks, J-Pop, and musicals. I LOVE musicals. Hamilton is my favorite musical, with Rent not far behind.

I don't really have a favorite band or artist per se, but my phone is just filled with songs I've collected over the years, and some of them are really important to me. This is a loose sampling of the artists that I like

And then, there's stuff like this...

Oh! And also for video games, I really love Splatoon, the third person shooter by Nintendo! It's really cute and vibrant and fun and enjoyable, and I play it competitively with a team I'm a part of. I'm really proud of it.


What made you join eJapan in the first place and what is still keeping you here? And are there any moments you would point out to be dear to you from eJapan?


When I was a young eRep player farming in the eUS almost a decade ago, I would sometimes pop into eJapan and get a little bit jealous at the community that was developing here and the fun everyone was having. So after I came back to the game and found myself alone and stranded, I decided to start over in the country I thought I would have the most fun.

In the beginning, I was really passionate, and tried to do what I could to help bring the country together. But our problems were beyond me, beyond anything one person could ever do, and I think my constant failures has caused me to become more and more disillusioned over the years. At this point, I would want nothing more than for a healthy community to grow here again, and that's what I'm in for at this point, I think. eJapan means a lot to me. I want to help this country grow however I can.

My happiest moments here are most definitely working with the late Sophia Forrester and Sinon in the United Lolies of Japan, and with Her Majesty the Empress Oraizan-sama and Kitarou-chan in the SOS Brigade. Both groups are a lot of fun to work with, and I love that I could/can hang with both of them and have a good time. I hate that I've lost so many friends over the years.


Shirosakura, I would end this interview with this question. Is there anything that you would like to add that was not asked?


Nope! I'm grateful for the chance to be interviewed and I hope it's been a pleasant experience. If I wasn't so busy I would have gotten this to you a lot sooner. But I hope it has been worth it.
