Hai there

Day 5,038, 09:20 Published in Canada Canada by Thomas Arashikage

So... a few weeks ago I said I was going to write an article. RL got a little busy so I never wrote it. The topic is completely different than originally intended. I was going to write about Day 5000 but I'm over a month behind. So let's talk other stuff.

A lot of things have changed in this game. Some good, some bad. We still don't have Perception. eIceland is still not a thing. WHY?!

Sky Hero medals are 10g instead of 30g. Sure, there's less competition and more chances yet the compensation has lessened significantly. ex. Old format (30 SHs 900g) New Format (30 SHs 300g). That's just around 67% difference. Now, I'm not a math whiz but that's a lot less gold Plato has to shell out. Now on one side it's hard to complain because I remember just getting my 1st SH medal was insanely difficult to obtain. Now I'm cruising to 400. With the difference in compensation though I don't benefit the same as those before me who most likely didn't have to fight all that hard either as they've had more strength and rank since they were focusing on air battles sooner than I was.

The new daily bundles seem to have mixed reviews. As with all packs most people laugh and troll about them but eventually relent to buying some. I'm usually that person as well. This time around I'm 50/50. I never earned one of the fancy aircraft that's currently available. So for me this is sort of a win. However, it's going to take a long while as Plato in his infinite wisdom has decided to change which item will be available and it's not even consistent so far.

The 1st item offered was an aircraft and now it's two tanks in a row. Not cool. I'm good with the tank I have. I never had an issue with the original one either. We'll see as the days go on how it goes. I just want something other than that puny drone as I take to the eSkies to pew pew.

Farming is still a thing as that's mostly what I do aside for reach some small personal goals while I wait for the Halloween event. Gotta have those pumpkins! I think they should incorporate the strength swap into this Protector thing. What do you think? I think it's a pretty cool collaborative feature. Also, whatever happened to the "stun" feature. I forget what it was called.

I think I'll end things here for now. What do you guys/gals think? What could be better? What works for you?

See you in another 488 days. Maybe...