Future of Ireland: Maxed Taxes

Day 1,647, 12:34 Published in Ireland Ireland by Lexone

inb4 tl;dr
This last month nothing new happened, nothing changed, so what now? Something that might work quite well for our small, but active nation is this.
The tax system would be something like this.

Maxed out taxes. Now keep in mind I'm no economic expert, but the repercussions of this tax system don't really matter.

First off the income tax takes away profits from the worker. The manager could compensate if their kind by raising the salary, but that's unlikely. Now the worker is not in a commune that's why they have a salary job. Who works in a salary job? New players, two clickers,and inactives.(might be on leave)
Taxing these individuals does no harm to them since why would they care. Noobs will quit not because of taxes, but because this is an unattractive game. Two clickers wont give a damn and the latter is self explanatory. Right now at around $200 wages, a 25% tax would take away $50. So instead 37 days for a 7500 iep farm it will take 50.

Maxed out VAT taxes. VAT contributes to most of the country's revenue. When an item is bought off the market usually by the bot the country receives income. Raising the food vat by 15% would most likely cause players to sell for a higher price to compensate for the higher tax. But who cares? The tax actually would take more money if prices are raised. Will noobs care? Don't they buy food since there not self sufficient? Sure if they are not in Boot Camp receiving free food or in any other MU for that matter. People who sell food which is generally most players who been around for several months may be upset. But why do they sell food? They don't use or it or don't need it. So lets say instead of 100 days to pay back for the company it's 115 days. Big deal when you see the potential rewards.

New revenue. What do we do after we payed off our mpps? Well we can fund numerous programs, in fact we have already been doing that, but not to our full potential. A couple of months ago the donation cap was increased to 400,000, yet our taxes have remained unchanged.

Homesteading. We give you free land/farms/factories for you to work on. So 7500 iep in one day rather than waiting 50-100 days to pay back your company and maybe buy a new one. Who benefits? Well you do and we do as long as your active. You get richer and the only way to spend money is on improving yourself which in return improves the country.

Sweet Drinker has made a pass the salt program which is the same as the above, but I'm not sure of the status of it today. He also made a goldfish program to get everyone richer. Also, he gives graduates of boot camp free 10k iep!
Only the dedicated, loyal, and active benefit. With new revenue we can expand on all these great programs. We can help fund town centers or work on aiding strength training, or even a loan program during sales. We want long term self sufficient players.
Free tanks. The MOD has been giving out free tanks on #irisharmy. There really hasn't been to much transparency of its financial status, but that's ok since new revenue would fund it forever. Only the active players who defend us and our allies get tanks. The government controls our money supply to direct damage efficiently and reward the active. We drain money from everyone, but only give it to the people who care.
We can Supplement food if necessary.
Short version of maxed out taxes
We hurt the greedy and selfish.

We encourage and reward activity while breeding dedicated players.

To maxing out taxes and to the last day of congress in this cycle