Final Words?

Day 1,247, 15:26 Published in USA USA by Chutley

(Yes, I changed the title. It makes more sense this way. Back off.)

To Erep, or not to Erep

It occurred to me today that if I keep logging onto eRepublik, my profile will live longer than I will. This upsets me for three major reasons.

First of all, while my family and friends will all be grieving the loss of someone they once loved and cared for, you’ll be thinking, “Hey, why hasn’t Chutley published any articles recently?” Then you’ll move on and probably be better off because of it.

Secondly, I’ll have died being single. No, not in RL, but people seem to really care about these eRep marriages.

Thirdly, if I die, what will become of my companies? Who will step up and make sure they don’t crumble to the ground? I slaved for forty years days to get three of them and now they vanish without even a demolition ceremony for all my eFriends to enjoy? A travesty.

Here - enjoy this instead.

So, as much as I’d hate to be outlived by my single, non-exploding profile, I don’t think my parting words can be, “Honey, I loved you with everything I ever was. Move on the best you can, never forget me … and please log me out of eRepublik.”

Subscribe. I did.