European values

Day 5,247, 07:46 Published in Serbia Serbia by Strahinjic lll

UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and other Western European colonial forces cannot teach us, Serbians, about European values. Because, while you were conquering African, Asian and American land and countries (and Australia as well), we were fighting for freedom against Ottomans. And we were not fighting just for our freedom, we were fighting for your freedom as well.

And what did you do with the freedom we gave to you? You enslaved people, you killed people, you did genocide wherever your foot had stepped. While you were using slaves in 19. century, our Constitution from 1835. said :

"Any slave, who steps on a soil of Serbian Principality, becomes a free man."

While you were showing black people in cages like animals in the zoo, in the middle of the 20th century, we offered them to study in our colleges. Because you are raised on racist values, you are raised on genocide and all of today make up can't cover your true nature.

So, f**k off with your "values", we will never accept them and we will fight against them as long as we exist.