eRepublik, a Guide

Day 4,310, 17:02 Published in Switzerland Ireland by Violence Seth

I'm re-posting this for Rican's Competition. It's not a glitch in the Matrix.

Hey there, I'm Sethesin. This is my entry for Rican's Tutorial Competition!

I thought I'd give it a go, sure why not right?

Well first and foremost, welcome! My oh my if you stick with this game you'll learn a lot. How to navigate through a truly international community of players, all with different goals, interests, loves, hates, plans, schemes and dreams but perhaps I'm getting a bit too ahead of myself. Let's start with the basics.

How to start eRepublik! (Thrifty Edition)

Assuming you've used your preferred email address I'd simply start over again and use a new one, made for eRepublik. A new email address with your eRepublik nickname somewhere in it's title. You don't want to make the mistake of having an in game name like HungDaddy69 or Luvs2Splooge and then find out it costs 50 Gold to change it once you get a taste for the game after you're two weeks in and want something better. If you already have an online handle or nickname you go by in other online games, browser or not, you could use that but it's probably better to create something new from scratch and a new email for it. Some sources of inspiration could be from your eNations history, myths and legends or pure fiction, just remember that the nation you start in will guide your first steps and inform your experience early on. If you like Vikings and want to live in Denmark, but you're from Nebraska don't be surprised everyone is speaking Danish on your feed and none of them have the same zeal about Vikings as you do.

Where In The eWorld Am I?

If you're dual or even tri-lingual you are off to a running start my dude/dudette. Make that work for you and choose based on that. Say for instance you're from Quebec but your parents spoke Russian at home when you where a child? You've English, Russian and French! Excellent, Otlichno, Magnifique! You're already more qualified then most of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs in the Game. Monolingual English Speaking players may have a broader reach as English is commonly understood in most eNations e.g perhaps you're from Aberdeen, Scotland, your first choice should be the eUK, then eIreland, then eUSA after that maybe eCanada, eAustralia, eNew Zealand or eSouth Africa. Other nations may use English but if you start in say the eNetherlands you'll be at an immediate disadvantage if you don't understand Dutch. But remember this is just advise, if you always liked Bolivia, go for it! You may learn Spanish in the process, who knows?

Lurking and "No such thing as a stupid question."

Before you've even taken to the battle field, read your country's feed, and the feeds of other country's you're interested in. Make it a habit. It never hurts to add friends but it's not Instagram, only add Friends that you think would be worth following. The Presidents of countries and their ministers are a good place to start. Then their opposition in government. 90% of the time players will accept your friendship request. When in game terms seem odd, ask what they mean. Like if "RW 4/10 in Bismark" shows up in your feed after making a few eUSA friends, just ask. There's no noob bashing here. You'll most likely be recruited which leads me neatly into...

To Pick and Choose

You are a free eCitizen of your eNation. Take time to investigate the politics, wars and general shenanigans your chosen homeland has been up to and is currently getting up to. Find your feet before committing to a M.U or Military Unit and take even more time choosing your allegiance to a political Party. A "Far Left" party in eRepublik could mean the party members share that opinion in RL or Real Life but act as Vulture Capitalists in game. Politics is real in this game but it can be easily confused at first glance. The "Liberating Left Party" and the "Realist Right Party" are often just props, relics or even worse, entirely serious. It's one of the more interesting parts of this game but it takes time and without an informed opinion starting out don't get duped into thinking a "Green" Party is the right fit for you because you care for the environment in RL. There is no weather system in eRepublik. *tumbleweed*


Everyone is friendly here, in their own way. Community is of paramount importance here on eRepublik, it keeps people playing and has even created lifelong friendships on an international scale. If you find and join a cool M.U that fit's your ideals and/or aesthetic, lets call them "The Honour Guard" as an example. There's about eight dedicated players and about 20 inactive profiles attached. My advice would be to research a bit more about them. Make an effort to find out where they have their group chat. Telegram, Discord or even the antiqued Messaging system here. Even if you're not the most sociable player, you'll be able to co-ordinate attacks with them.

First Steps in Combat

Listen! Put down that gun, forget it. Get into the Gaddamn airplane, Shinji-kun! Ground Battles are off limits to new players that don't pay to play, no exceptions. Don't tarnish your beautiful profile with a single ground hit. Start again if you do it by accident. Currently eRepublik doesn't separate air battles between the 4 Divisions so you won't be receiving Sky Hero medals anytime soon. It's just the reality of joining a game late. Should you deviate and fight on the ground all you'll receive for your Daily Order is a Bazooka and a 100+ Energy Bar as a "reward". At least wait until the battle turns to the skies. It's really not worth fighting on the ground, I seriously can not stress that enough. Fly my friend, fly! If you receive Big or Small Bombs or the occasional Cruise Missile (eRepublik has seasonal give away events) you can drop them them down in a Ground Battle without sullying your profile but never, ever waste your resources buying Weapons. So now you've wasted those fools in the sky, you need energy.

Self Sufficiency and Beyond

eRepublik gives you five Companies at the start. You get to choose where to place them. That'll be your base of operations so take your time choosing. Others would tell you there's an art to locating your factories but you're a patriot. Put them wherever you like. Get a Job in the Job Market to keep a steady flow of money coming in. To replenish your health buy cheap food by the bushel. Once you've saved enough cash, make new factories to make enough food that you create a surplus. It's virtual so it won't spoil. Don't spend your Gold. This is important, Upgrade your first two Training Grounds. Ask for patronage from your M.U comrades, they might help speed things along. The quicker you have the first two Training buildings built the quicker you'll get 5 gold with the Super Soldier Medal.

Stick With It, But Don't Let It Stick To You

This game is really fun. I've met so many cool and interesting people here. There's tonnes of things to explore if you dig around. When you get more established you can make a newspaper that you get to make content for. This guide is the Play to Play guide, I'd argue against paying anything more than you can afford and I don't think anyone would disagree with that. If you've the cash and you want to play at a higher level then this guide may be only marginally helpful. But be weary, Pay to Play can be a rabbit hole, it has happened to players. Not to scare you off, oh potential player.

You can get by with or without paying in this game. The more time and effort you put into this particular game, you get back in triplicate. Like writing fiction? Have a penchant for hard hitting journalism? Keen on photography or a talented musician? Share, share, share! Sure there's times you feel hard done by after your home region got taken over by that dastardly rival eNation of yours but therein lies the game! It becomes so fluid as long as you stick with it. For a simple browser game it can be enormously rewarding if you put in the effort. My final piece of advice is sign in at least once a day. Do it when you're checking your Facebook, Twitter or emails. Sure there's even a eRepublik mobile app. Make it something you've to check off on your to do list before you're off doing something else.

Hopefully you have found this little rant somewhat enlightening and as I said earlier, eRepublik players are friendly so feel free to message me or your chosen eNations Minister of Community/Education or whatever it is where ever you end up in the eWorld setting up your eCitizen. Good luck!

Slán go foill


( It's a lil' saluting guy, took me forever to figure out when I was starting out 😛 )
