El Capitan Hassan Pesaran

Day 592, 01:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

Now if I'm correct tomorrow we'll all be voting for a new Glorious Leader. It'll be a chance for every eUk citizen to have a say in which direction this country moves. I've not got too much to say about our current Glorious Leader, having arrived halfway through his reign I don't feel able to comment.

I want a revolution, a sensible well thought out socialist revolution! I'm not getting on a boat (Titanic springs to mind), I'm going to put my trust in one man. I know what he'll do because he's produced several manifestos on all aspects of the political spectrum.

My vote goes to Hassan Pesaran.

There are other articles out there that lavish praise upon his glittering career. Read them if you want all that. I'm voting for a bloke, who in my eyes, will help the needy, reach out to other nations and bring unity to the eUk. We may even have a bit of fun along the way.

So let's make Hassan our El Capitan.

No tagline. No Spin. Just leadership.