Devolucion Nigeria - TW con Sudafrica

Day 3,244, 22:51 Published in Argentina Brazil by MoFA eArgentina


1) Devolucion colonias en Nigeria / Arg give some lands back to Nogeria

Como le prometimos al gobierno y a nuestros amigos Nigerianos que siempre cumplieron con nosotros, queremos comunicar que desde hoy empezamos a devolver las colonias de Nigeria que no forman parte del tratado y el actual jefe de gabinete argentino @millo está renegociando el próximo alquiler.

As we promised to NIgerian gov and friends, which always helped and rented us the lands we needed, we want to inform that since now we begin giving back Nigerian colonies which arent included in the deal, and our gobernor will renegociate next rental

Los que quieran supportear y ganar su medalla ya saben cual será el orden así pueden aprovechar. Les pedimos NO PELEAR POR ARGENTINA ASI EVITAMOS GASTAR DINERO EN CO AL PEDO.
Those which want to get their medal can later give support there now that you know the order and can take profit of that. We ask not to fight for argentine at those rws.
2- TW con Sudafrica / Southafrica TW

Argentina y Sudafrica arreglaron un tw con el objetivo final del arrendamiento de una ó dos regiones a dicho pais para completar el bonus de comida y tal vez aumentar el de casas. Se informará luego qué regiones finalmente les alquilamos para devolver el resto.

Argentine and SOuthAfrica agreed a TW with the final purpose of a rental agreement of one or two lands to complete our food bonus and perhaps either to improve our house bonus. We will inform you later which lands argentine keeps and which ones we will give back.