CertaCito - UKRP Candidate for Northern Ireland

Day 544, 10:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito

After representing SW England and the East of England for some fifteen terms of unbroken service, my work and military service now bring me to reside in Northern Ireland.

It therefore seems logical that I should stand for election here in Province.

As the longest serving member of Congress in both eUK and the New World I think that I have a good track record for reliability and staying power - CertaCito is one member of Congress who you can rely on to still be around and functioning when others fail!

I also took on the duties of the Party President last month following the sudden demise of the mysterious Marcus Antonuis Varus. This term was carried out in a quiet yet competant manner, the highlight of which was the nomination and subsequent landslide victory of our SaraDroz in the Presidential Elections recently.

So - if you want to be sure that your vote will not be wasted this election time - vote for CertaCito, a save pair of hands for the eUK!