Another mainstay of the apartheid regime is/was censorship

Day 5,705, 14:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

It was usually done to censor their opponents. But it was a far reaching measure implemented : books, music, movies. Generally everything.

So I dont really care that our government censors its political opponents. I mean if you want to play act a game like we did with dictatorships you I guess have to play act every part of it. Fascist regimes of the past usually used their majorities to suppress minorities . If they were elected to be honest. And we all know that voters was bussed in and recruited. And they lost the March elections but won due to bussed voters. So enjoy. Who cares?

here is Lionel Ritchie he was actually censored in apartheid South Africa.

Our government might want to appoint a Censorship Board to work out how to apply their strategic censorship duties.

In the past of course it was against the rules to exclude people. But dont find it in the rules anymore.

Anyway since we are all perfect strangers here is Deep Purple with perfect Strangers and thereafter another song by them.

and we can finish off with the Nina Hagen Band - TV Glotzer. Nina ofc lived in East Germany during the cold war. She somehow arranged for her birth country to kick her out. You can read up on it in wikipedia. I am not certain if information will be collected on all citizens of eRepublik and reported to some central commissar but ok. Enjoy

I always had the idea after watching that was it Japanese or Chinese film about the communes (Wolf Totem). See it was about the Mongolians can still remember the burial thing (they leave their death in the fields to be eaten by wild animals) . They kill all the wolves which leads to an imbalance in nature. Of a game founded in some commune.